Monday, April 15, 2013

Sydney sympathises with Boston: O'Farrell - The Australian

NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell says Sydneysiders stand beside the people of Boston as they come to terms with the tragic bombing of the US city's marathon.

He likened the iconic event to Sydney's City to Surf, which attracts over 85,000 people.

"As a city that also has a major fun run, we express our solidarity, our sympathy, for the people of Boston who have gone through this terrible tragedy," Mr O'Farrell said on Tuesday.

At least three people were killed and more than 100 injured in the Boston Marathon blasts, which tore through runners and spectators at the finish line on Monday.

"To think that great public event, that characterises that city, has been interfered with in this way, this tragedy in which people lost their lives, including children, is appalling," Mr O'Farrell said.

He said security in NSW was being constantly monitored and he ruled out any changes to the City to Surf.

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"These are public events, the last thing you want to do is make them so restrictive the public can't participate.

"Not only would that mean future Boston Marathons, future City to Surfs, were not of the same character, it would actually give a win to those people who engage in those sort of acts of violence."

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