Parramatta doesn't deserve to be called "regional" but still receives federal cash allocated for rural areas, Nationals senator Barnaby Joyce says.
The Queensland senator claims 19 projects in western Sydney seeking Regional Development Australia (RDA) funds have proceeded to the final application stage, while other regions have no more than three advancing.
Last week the Gillard government said it was working on a memorandum of understanding with the NSW government to form a new RDA committee for greater western Sydney.
Regional Australia Minister Simon Crean said the committee would unlock economic growth and improve liveability in the region, which is home to one in every 11 Australians.
Where Melbourne had four RDA committees, Sydney had just one, he added.
The fourth round of RDA funding is providing $175 million for capital infrastructure projects deemed a priority by the community.
Successful applicants could secure grants of between $500,000 and $15 million.
Senator Joyce on Tuesday accused the government of pork barrelling and being disingenuous in its reasons for pushing for the RDA committee in western Sydney.
"When we think about regional, we're thinking about dark, starry nights, animals on the road and long distances between towns, not Blacktown to Parramatta," he told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.
"Good luck to Parramatta, but I don't think you're being fair with the authentic regional Australians."
Mr Crean denied greater western Sydney was getting special treatment, adding he'd been in discussions about forming a RDA in the area nearly a year ago.
"I've done and been stringent in this, in insisting on due process. I've taken everyone through the full details of it and western Sydney will get no more entitlement than any other RDA," Mr Crean told ABC Radio on Tuesday.
Senator Joyce asked during question time whether the government believed the "entertainment precinct" of Parramatta was as deserving of the term regional as remote towns like Cunnamulla and Birdsville.
"Why have regional projects ... been knocked back when all the applications for western sydney have been allowed to proceed?" he asked.
Senate Leader Stephen Conroy said members of the Nationals were the "princes of pork barrelling", adding the federal government had set aside nearly $1 billion for RDA funding for the regions.
With a population bigger than South Australia, it was important greater western Sydney had RDA representation so it could identify projects that drew partnership investments, he added.
Senator Conroy said all projects vying for RDA funding would be assessed and prioritised against the same criteria as all other proposals by an independent panel.

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