No magic in Rudd change
A leading pollster has warned Federal Labor against relying on a 'magical scenario' if it changes leaders.
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Trade Minister Craig Emerson has urged his colleagues to stop focusing on their own jobs, as a new poll showed a modest lift in support for the unpopular Gillard government.
His comments came as Julia Gillard received support from an unlikely source, with federal Nationals MP Darren Chester saying it was time for politicians and the public to lay off from the ''vicious and personal'' attacks on the Prime Minister.

Federal Nationals MP Darren Chester says he is disturbed by the 'vicious' personal comments directed at the PM Julia Gillard. Photo: Glen McCurtayne
Mr Chester, the MP for the Victorian seat of Gippsland, said he noticed the vibe while visiting Western Australia and within his electorate during the past three weeks.
''I am not apportioning blame to either side of the house because some of the personal comments that have been about Tony Abbott in the past have also been entirely inappropriate,'' Mr Chester said.
''What I noticed over the last few weeks, as I've travelled throughout regional Australia, was the increasingly personal and vicious nature of some of the comments that were being fed back to me from members of the public.
''They're comments they wouldn't like said about their own mother, daughter or wife and I think it's inappropriate to treat the Prime Minister in that manner, not because she's a woman, but because her office demands the respect.''
The latest Newspoll gives Labor a glimmer of hope, with its primary vote rising three points in the past fortnight to 34 per cent, while Prime Minister Julia Gillard regained her lead over Tony Abbott as preferred prime minister (42 to 38 per cent).
According to the poll, published in The Australian on Tuesday, the Coalition maintained a lead of 52 to 48 per cent after preferences. But if Mr Rudd were reinstated as prime minister, Labor would lead 56 to 44 per cent in the two-party vote.
Mr Emerson said the leadership issue was resolved last year and issued a call for calm.
''What the Australian people want to hear and will get from this government is conversation about them, not a conversation about ourselves. While ever we are talking about and implementing policies for the Australian people they respond positively,'' he said on Tuesday.
''They do not want any political party talking about itself and the jobs of its members, what they want, and this is perfectly legitimate, is for a political party in this case the government of Australia to continue to talk about their jobs and the issues that are relevant.''
Another frontbencher, David Bradbury, likened talk of a Kevin Rudd comeback to fantasy football.
Mr Bradbury said on Tuesday that Ms Gillard had steely determination and played down the poll results suggesting Labor's chances would be improved with Mr Rudd in charge.
''You could throw Mr Turnbull in the mix and you'd probably end up finding that on that particular poll he looked a whole lot more popular than Mr Abbott,'' he told Sky News.
''This is a bit like fantasy NRL. Let's deal with the reality of what we've got.''
Ms Gillard told Labor MPs in a caucus meeting on Tuesday morning that it was inevitable people would analyse the WA election but they shouldn't be seen to be focusing and talking about themselves.
Tertiary Education Minister Chris Bowen, who voted for Mr Rudd in last year's leadership ballot, said the government must stay focused.
''This matter was resolved last February; I cast a ballot as you've indicated; that's a matter of public record,'' Mr Bowen told ABC Radio National.
''We've all said that we had our votes in February and that was where the matter was resolved.''
Fairfax/Nielsen pollster John Stirton said Labor would have to break with the historical trend to win the election at this stage.
Mr Stirton said that in past 40 years of Nielsen polling, in which the government changed four times, opposition leaders who won the election were ahead in the three criteria: two-party-preferred, the preferred Prime Minister and had higher approval as opposed to disapproval in all polls in the year before their election victory.
''Tony Abbott have achieved one of those criteria, by far the most important one, and that is that he has been ahead on two-party-preferred basis in every Neilsen poll since the last election,'' he said during an interview with Fairfax Media's Breaking Politics program on Tuesday.
''But where he hasn't dominated so far is on preferred prime minister or his own personal approval ratings. So that in total suggests that the Coalition are well entitled to be favourites at this year's elections but there that niggling doubt about Tony Abbott's numbers that perhaps reduce their odds just a little bit.''
In an address to a Coalition joint party meeting on Tuesday, Mr Abbott warned against complacency, noting that this week marked the 20th anniversary of the Coalition falling short at the so-called ''unloseable election''.
Mr Abbott warned his colleagues they could not afford to indulge in spats or display arrogance.
''We must conduct ourselves like a worthy alternative government,'' he said.
Mr Abbott told Coalition MPs that Julia Gillard's recent trip to western Sydney was all about survival, not governing.
One MP told the meeting it was in the Coalition's interests for Ms Gillard to stay as Labor leader.
Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop pointed to the Western Australian election results and said the Greens' vote had collapsed.
''When the tide goes out you can see who's swimming naked,'' Ms Bishop told the meeting.
The Newspoll came out as leaked internal polling suggested disillusionment with the Gillard government could have cost Labor up to one in five undecided votes in Western Australia.
The Australian Financial Review reported advice from Labor's polling company UMR Research advised the WA Labor party ''to keep its distance from the federal government in the final week of the campaign''.
The advice said while state factors were dominant ''there's no doubt the federal Labor government's lack of popularity isn't helping the state Labor campaign''.
It came as Mr Rudd's supporters warned that the government's crippling leadership stalemate could only be broken if one or more senior ministers loyal to Ms Gillard tapped her on the shoulder.
Appealing to a ''greater loyalty'' as Labor eyes a crushing defeat that some fear could destroy it for a generation, key Rudd backers say their man will not challenge but insist that something must give.
Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said Ms Gillard was making ''sugar-hit announcements'' as if she was in ''a panic room''.
Labor MP Andrew Leigh said opinion polls were extremely volatile.
''The last poll done before polling day by the major polling organisations is as accurate as a coin toss,'' he said. ''Polls taken before that are less accurate.''
with Mark Kenny and AAP
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