Illustration: Cathy Wilcox
Helicopter joyflights every 7.5 minutes over Sydney Harbour will be an appalling assault on the jewel in Sydney's crown (''Heliport move reckless, Turnbull tells O'Farrell'', December 19). Anyone who has been to Fox Glacier in New Zealand knows these infernal thrill machines can destroy ''the serenity'' for everyone (to quote from that great Aussie film The Castle) while benefiting the few.
With James Packer's casino, and whatever else is being stitched up behind closed doors, Sydney is in danger of becoming just another tourist theme park.
The Barry O'Government cannot be accused of being inconsistent though, as it tramples all over aesthetics, amenity and community from one end of the state to the other. Mining has been given priority over local communities and national parks and the wider environment are under attack. Meanwhile, public concerns are ignored.
Ian Brown Mount Victoria
It is a fact of life that aircraft noise is here to stay while people wish to fly somewhere. Helicopter noise is no different than conventional aircraft noise, except apparently, if it is going to disturb elite harbourside residents. Those who live in certain parts of the inner west, such as my parents, could, once upon a time, see the planes but not hear them.
Now, due to a share-the-noise decision made in Canberra some years ago, aircraft fly right over my old family home. Spare a thought for those residents, Malcolm Turnbull, the next time you fly from Mascot, and, oh, welcome to the club.
David Sayers Gwandalan
I do not wish to sound like the voice of doom but, let's face it, Sydney Harbour is a busy place for working and pleasure craft and the added presence of helicopters taking off and landing in the midst of this activity will inevitably end in a tragic accident. It will involve either a sailing boat, a ferry or a cruise liner, all with children on board.
We condemn other nations of irresponsibility when it comes to the safety of innocent people, maybe now it is time for Barry O'Farrell to give this plan some serious thought. Up until now I don't think he has.
Molly Bennett North Sydney
Noise terrifies animals. Pity they won't be able to demonstrate in the streets when Barry O'Farrell's helicopters begin making eight flights an hour near their home at the zoo.
Ruth Campbell Greenwich
Barry O'Farrell's pitch to voters was all about transparency and accountability, in the wake of so many Labor years of back-room deals.
Recently we saw his complicity in attacks on the Environmental Defender's Office and its funding, now we see back-room deals on unwanted designs for Darling Harbour's unwanted revamp. Where's the transparency, Premier? Where's the accountability? It's black as pitch to me.
Dick Clarke Elanora Heights
We live under the flight path for helicopters to land at Royal North Shore Hospital helipad. I often hear them through the night and always think what a great service it is for the ill and injured. However, a helipad in the middle of the harbour with numerous flights landing and taking off each day will service whom?
No consultation. No environmental impact statement. I hope there will be a flotilla of kayakers, sailing club members, and private ferries full of protesting passengers out on the water in a mass protest.
Wendy Finney Northwood
Oh, to be a fly on the wall in O'Farrell cabinet meetings. Shooting in national parks? Tick. Privatisation of Jenolan Caves? Tick. Cancellation of TAFE courses? Tick. Underfunding of hospitals? Tick. Closure of fire stations? Tick. These issues mainly affect the ordinary punter.
What's this? A helipad with eight flights an hour off Vaucluse, Rose Bay, Darling Point, Point Piper? It will never fly, Orville.
Lynne Poleson Kingsford
Why should Barry O'Farrell stop at glitzy hotels, hot-money casinos and/or a heliport to enhance the tourism potential of Sydney Harbour? Why not a firing range at Double Bay cove for his huntin' and shootin' friends, or jet speedboat racing, or even gunnery practice from North Head?
All good tourism fodder for you, Mr O'Farrell.
Ian Nicolson Banora Point
No one should be surprised at the approval of the harbour heliport. The culture of doing back-room deals on planning will continue under Barry O'Farrell's Liberal government as they did under Labor, only worse if possible.
The proposed stripping of planning powers from local government will remove from sight most planning decisions, and just like the residents of North Sydney more and more of us will have something awful foisted on us without consultation.
So much for O'Farrell's commitment to returning planning powers to the people.
Colin Hesse Marrickville
The helipad is a sign of more than Barry O'Farrell's disdain for Sydney. It is a symptom of his disdain for the proper processes of government and public administration. This is just one example and the handling of the destruction of the Cronulla fisheries research group is another.
I presume the NSW Coalition would like us to consider it as a competent government when election time comes. It needs to start behaving like one.
Bob Liddelow Avalon
I think Barry O'Farrell's government has made an error. Shouldn't the floating helipad be on Lake Burley Griffin?
Alex Nikulin Forestville
Abbott priorities, before and after, disappoint
Tony Abbott and the opposition were happy to spend days on end making claims about the government's competency based on James Ashby's allegations against Peter Slipper. Now the case has been examined by the court, Abbott can't be bothered to read the outcome (''Abbott hasn't read Slipper judgment but stands by Brough'', smh.com.au, December 19).
This was an appalling abuse of process, and an extremely regrettable waste of Parliament's precious time when there were many issues of national importance that should have taken priority.
Jonathan Prendergast Redfern
Tony Abbott has said he has been doing ''very important things for the people of Australia'' - in Britain. He could prove that by staying there.
Tony Doyle Stanmore
Yes, Jim Ball (Letters, December 19), in the 1984 election, the Coalition did increase its number of seats by 16, but not by "snatching them back" from the Hawke Labor government.
In that election, the total number of seats in the House of Representatives was increased by 23. The effective "swing" was a modest four or five seats, not an apparent landslide 16 and Hawke's majority reduced from 25 seats to 16. On this basis it's not time yet for Abbott to engage the cruise control.
David Hind Neutral Bay
Sell-out showing
Is an 1870 glass slide of a ''virgin's vagina'' art? Brook Andrew's decision to display it in a contemporary art gallery suggests it is (''Mad, bad and dangerous: shedding light on the dark'', December 19). Yet misogynist rubbish like this is no less offensive by being re-branded as art after a certain number of years have passed.
More's the pity that Liz Ann Macgregor endorses its display in this context. She's just grateful the curator stayed away from working with paedophilia, because there are limits, she says. Not on the exploitation of women's bodies, however, and once again it's the sisterhood selling other women out to empower male artists.
Let's screen Salo again while we're at it. Lucky Sydney.
Allison Kingscote Manly
One wise woman
I wonder how Dame Elisabeth Murdoch would have reacted to reports that for Christmas Katie Holmes has given her six-year-old daughter, Suri Cruise, a $23,000 Victorian-style playhouse with a turret, furnished rooms with 2.5-metre high ceilings, electricity and running water; a $9000 child-size Mercedes-Benz; an iPad mini; and designer clothing (''Tough love from my mum, recalls Murdoch'', December 19).
And this is before her dad, Tom Cruise, has come to the party and Santa has climbed down the playhouse chimney. Poor child.
Ken Knight Hornsby
More than guns
Another massacre of innocent lives and yes, it will not stop until the gun laws are changed (''Children laid to rest as push for change grows'', December 19). However, we have overlooked an equal if not greater contributing factor to these massacres in America - the American people's opposition to a government-funded health scheme akin to ours and other developed countries.
The perpetrators of these crimes are obviously in a psychotic or mentally fragile state at the time of these massacres. As one who has suffered a mental illness on two occasions during my life, including short phases in a psychotic state, I have had access to first-class care and medication, returning to a normal life on both occasions. I can only imagine there must be a lot of people in America who are not so lucky as they can't afford the ongoing cost of medical treatment and care.
By all means consider the gun laws but changing those laws alone won't stop these massacres.
Greg Wethered Roseville
Aid is required, there and here
My heart broke a little when I read of our government's decision to take $375 million from the foreign aid budget to pay for the processing of asylum seekers in Australia (''Aid budget cut to feed refugees'', December 18).
On Monday, I spent the morning with a class of innocent nine-year-olds talking about global poverty and what we could do about it. We all wrote letters to Julia Gillard and Bob Carr to urge them to do more for the poorest in our world, not in the name of charity but in the name of justice. It was agreed unanimously that we in Australia who have so much should share more fairly with those who do not.
To wake on Tuesday morning to find our government has done the opposite made me wonder if I had lied to the children when I told them our leaders would read their letters and hear what they said. I told them that using their voices, they could make a real difference in the world. I hope I was not wrong.
Camilla Ryberg Scotland Island
The government is being strongly criticised for diverting aid funding to asylum seekers already in Australia as a result of the recent unprecedented number of arrivals, often fleeing terrible discrimination and persecution in their countries of origin.
Many of these have been released on the Bridging Visa E and find themselves in dire circumstances in a new and strange community with insufficient funds. Our group is aware of eight Sri Lankan Tamils living together in a flat in Auburn with no utensils, furniture or bedding, sleeping on the floor - there are many similar stories.
The immigration bureaucracy is strained to breaking point. Aid agencies are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of requests for help, and lack the resources to deal with what is rapidly becoming a crisis. By diverting aid funds, the government is seemingly trying to mitigate a potential disaster, with destitute asylum seekers sleeping on the streets. A little compassion and understanding on all sides would seem appropriate in this season of goodwill.
Gillian Appleton Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group, Leura
Research cuts a threat to growth
Ross Gittins is correct (again) in highlighting the crazed focus in achieving a 2012-13 budget surplus (''It's the weak recovery that worries, not surplus'', December 19). Ironically, Wayne Swan's and Julia Gillard's cuts are directly causing part of the massive drag on national growth.
I wish Gittins could go further, though. I believe the cuts have been irresponsible and will cause permanent damage to future growth-creating sectors such as research.
Countries such as Taiwan, Singapore, Korea and Japan rely on research for growth. That output supports the private sector. But funding for research here was more than halved this year, from $1 billion to less than $500 million.
The majority of the cuts are to research grants for young and emerging researchers with established labs and centres facing smaller but still significant cuts. The penny-pinching even comes down to a cut in scholarships for domestic PhD students - of which I am one - the lifeblood of research. Everyone loses.
Australia loses a generation of the world's top researchers to overseas appointments or, worse, to underemployment in the thin and diffuse Australian private R&D sector.
Australia loses a significant chunk of highly skilled professional staff to forced early retirement from established research groups and centres of excellence.
Finally, Australia loses the capacity to produce innovative technology and innovative ideas.
And all this while fuel subsidies rising above $2 billion are handed to big miners.
So what does the future look like for growth? In the world of innovation technologies … bleak.
Jehan Kanga Camperdown
No wonder our girls do better
Other than the facts that girls work harder, are more mature, better organised, are taught by a majority of female teachers and most HSC subjects cater to their left brain, why have girls outperformed boys yet again in the HSC (''Their numbers are up: girls scoop the pool in HSC maths'', December 19)? Well done, class of 2012.
Peter Miniutti Ashbury
For those who question the success of multiculturalism, read the names on this year's HSC honour roll - it is the most wonderfully diverse ethnic mix. Congratulations to our best and brightest and all HSC students.
Christina Foo Wahroonga
I wonder if the Minister for Education, Peter Garrett, has noticed that since the introduction of NAPLAN in 2008, and My School in 2010, Australia's performance in international testing regimes has worsened (''Year 7 students are slipping in maths'', December 19)?
Chris Duncan principal, Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, Banora Point
French example
Jim Dewar (Letters, December 19) points out the difficulties in bringing back trams to Edinburgh. However, successes far outweigh failures. In France, 22 cities have reintroduced trams in the past 30 years, including four lines in Paris. Two extensions in Paris were opened in November. Patronage has exceeded all expectations.
It comes down to careful planning, which Edinburgh failed to do. Barry O'Farrell should look to the many successes when planning Sydney tramways.
Kevin Bolton Burwood
Oi, what now?
Is Aussie John still going to save us ('''Aussie' John takes home $160 million more from CBA'' , December 19)? If so, from which banks?
Jack Pearl Bowral
Blame game
Your story about mothers leaving children at home by themselves demands the question: ''What about the dads?'' (''Mums leaving kids home alone'', December 19).
Jenny Greaves Pymble
An early rocket
I always look forward to the letters complaining about the New Year's Eve fireworks in January. But Garth Clark (Letters, December 19) has set the bar higher by complaining before the actual event.
Craig Moore Bondi Beach
Cuff for Coldplay
I was not at all surprised to read of the Coldplay fan who disrobed during their show at Brisbane's Suncorp Stadium (''Coldplay sends fan into naked rapture'', smh.com.au, December 19). After all, they bore the pants off me.
Geoff Saunders Jamberoo
Residency claws
I cannot see anything wrong with children owning tigers, Carolyn Wills (Letters, December 19), so long as they agree to live on a raft in the middle of the ocean.
David Markham Flynn (ACT)

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