Former winner Julie Goodwin, former contestant Marion Grasby and chef Justin North at the opening of the MasterChef pop-up restaurant in St Mary's Cathedral forecourt, Sydney, last year. Source: News Limited
WITH more than 15,000 diners consuming 40,000 dishes, including 1700kg of salmon, it will be Australia's busiest restaurant with turnover of more than $1.7 million in just a few shorts weeks.
Last year more than 5000 people ate 18,000 plates of MasterChef-inspired dishes over three weeks at the Sydney pop-up restaurant and this year it's even bigger, appearing at both The Rocks and at Melbourne's Crown casino.
More than 5000 people attended the MasterChef pop-up restaurant in the forecourt of St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney last year. Picture: News Corp Australia Source: News Limited
This year ticket sales for Sydney initially sold much quicker than Melbourne. But in the last week, however, the Victorian capital has caught up, especially in lunch sales.
Pictures: The celebs at 2012 Masterchef pop-up restaurant opening
NCIS more watched than a MasterChef elimination
The $115 a head dinner offers four courses and a matching wine package costs an extra $50. But it's the tips that count.
Last year more than $40,000 was raised for Sydney's OzHarvest with American Express matching tips dollar for dollar. This year with the sittings more than doubling across two cities, $100,000 is expected to be raised for both OzHarvest and Melbourne's Foodbank.
This year, the menu has been created by Monty Koludrovic, former head chef at Becasse in Sydney, now consultant to MasterChef, who has recruited his former boss Justin North to help.
Koludrovic has spent the past 12 months watching contestants put forward dishes as a consultant chef on the show and now gets to put his own spin on them.
"I don't feel compelled to use their recipes, it is just for inspiration," he said.
It also gives him a chance to use produce that he selected which contestants skipped over in competition.
"I suppose I came to MasterChef as an idealist and I wanted to change the perception. This is a good way of extending those ideals," he said.
On the menu for the pop-up with be Chatham Island cod, Yarra Valley caviar, Smoky Bay oysters from SA, plus Tasmania's Petuna salmon and Duncan Garvey's perigord truffles.
"This is a way for fans to increase their experience with the show. It's a way for them to experience how phenomenal the food really is."
For former contestant Justine Schofield, it's a great way to have face-to-face contact with fans.
"I get to go around to every table having a chat to fans. Yes you can watch the show but this is interactive and you get to talk to people and they get to talk directly to you."
Last year Justine's duck dish was one of just four dishes featured but this year there are nine on the menu.
"They are going all out to make sure the diners get a taste of every season, of dishes that have been inspired by MasterChef over the four years of competition."
"But there might be a little Justine touch in there somewhere."
Late dinner is the most popular choice of both cities out of two sittings but the high tea options in both capitals have already sold out.
MasterChef contestants helping out at the event will include Andy Allen and Ben Milborne, Justine Schofield, Alvin Quah, Adam Liaw, Audra Morrice and Julia Taylor.
Guest chefs for the Sydney event include Giovanni Pilu from Pilu at Freshwater, Hamish Ingham of Bar H and The Woods, Shaun Presland from Sake in The Rocks and Martin Boetz.
Melbourne chefs include Jaques Reymond, Darren Purchese, Adam D'Sylva, Bernard Chu and Donovan Cooke.
Masterchef pop up restaurant at First Fleet Park, The Rocks. MasterChef chef consultant Monty Koludrovic with former contestants Julia Taylor and Justine Schofield with Justin North. Source: News Limited
Sydney: August 13-September 1, First Fleet Park, The Rocks
Melbourne: October 1-20, Crown Melbourne

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