Monday, April 8, 2013

Could one idea end Sydney's gridlock? - Yahoo!7 News

FIRST ON 7: In Sydney traffic, drivers see red far too often; so the Opposition wants the Government to green-light a bold new traffic-busting plan.

"What we want to do is have the government look at allowing motorists to turn left when the light is red," Shadow Roads Minister Ryan Park said.

Left turn on red signs already allow traffic to flow at limited intersections around Sydney, instead of having to wait for a green.

"We know this happens at some intersections, but we believe this is a commonsense proposal that could free up congestion, particularly in the CBD area," the Shadow Roads Minister said.

There are strict rules governing left turns on red, and for now they're banned in busy pedestrian areas like the CBD.

But the Roads Minister says it simply isn't safe.

"Sadly many of the busiest intersections are the ones where we can't do it," Duncan Gay said.

But the Shadow Minister concedes it would not involve every intersection.

"What we would get is the police's advice," Mr Park said.

Pedestrian campaigner Harold Scruby says he doesn't want any left turns on red, because they encourage cars to creep into the pedestrian zone.

"[There have been] a couple of deaths because of that very problem, and the coroners have been very concerned about it as well," the Pedestrian Council's Harold Scruby said.

But drivers concerned with spending less time stuck in traffic think it sounds promising.

"Yeah it's good, the Roads Minister should do something," one motorist said.

"Fantastic, that's one of the best things you can bloody do," another Sydney driver said.

Motorists already do it Los Angeles, where cars regularly run the red.

HAVE YOUR SAY: If you'd like to share your thoughts on the Opposition's proposal you can join the conversation on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

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