Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Abbott to win in western Sydney: O'Farrell - The Australian

NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell says Tony Abbott will win the federal election in western Sydney with similar margins to his own landslide victory two years ago.

Twelve western Sydney seats, including Smithfield and Campbelltown, fell to the Liberals at the NSW election in 2011, cutting a swathe through state Labor's heartland.

It was the largest swing in NSW history.

"My prediction is that Tony Abbott is going to win the federal election in Sydney's west with much the same margin that we won seats in March of 2011," Mr O'Farrell said on Wednesday.

He said the sooner Labor was out of power the better it would be for NSW's bottom line.

GST has been slashed by $5 billion under Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan in "a big hit off our bottom line".

"I think he and the prime minister have some responsibility because federal incompetence plays out in the states," Mr O'Farrell told the Bloomberg Australia Economic Summit.

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"Certainly at a state level, I think all states have revenue issues."

Mr O'Farrell said in the government's speed to dump Work Choices it had also wound back some sensible Hawke/Keating industrial reforms.

He said his government's 2.5 per cent wages cap had saved $1.9 billion, but it was being hampered by the fact many workers in NSW are covered by federal relations under Fair Work Australia.

"So the sooner we sort out the federal situation the better."

Mr O'Farrell said the most significant reform his own government will introduce during its current four year term will be an overhaul of the planning act.

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