Monday, March 11, 2013

New plan to improve graduate teacher quality - ABC Online

The Federal Government has announced a four-point plan to lift the quality of teaching graduates, with literacy and numeracy tests while they're studying at university, plus aptitude or emotional intelligence testing. Universities are on side.

The Government wants to reach agreement on the plan at the first Council of Australian Governments of the year, next month. The changes would be phased in over six years.

ELEANOR HALL: The Federal Government has announced a plan to lift the quality of teaching graduates with literacy and numeracy tests and emotional intelligence testing as well.

The Government is in discussion with states, territories and education authorities and wants to reach agreement on the plan at the Council of Australian Governments meeting next month.

The Minister for Tertiary Education, Chris Bowen, told Alexandra Kirk that the universities are already on side.

CHRIS BOWEN: We're announcing a four-point plan today, which goes to admission processes. Making sure that universities have a holistic assessment of the quality of applicants for teaching courses, not just the blunt instrument of their HSC (Higher School Certificate) or ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) result, but looking to see their commitment to education, their extra-curricular activities, their passion for teaching, which is very important.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: What in your view is wrong with the teachers coming out of universities?

CHRIS BOWEN: I don't think it's a matter of generalisation and saying you know that they're all good, or all bad, but it is a matter of making sure that we have the appropriate measures in place. We've seen proposals from New South Wales for a pretty blunt instrument of an ATAR limit, I don't support those.

But what we're putting forward is a comprehensive four point plan which goes to the nature of teacher education in Australia. The quality of it, the assessment process and making sure that those who come out at the other end are in our top 30 per cent of literacy and numeracy.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: So would the teachers before they went to uni be tested for literacy and numeracy?

CHRIS BOWEN: No, it'll occur during the university course. It might happen, say, year two of a three year degree, or year three of a four year degree. And that'll give people who don't make the cut the chance to lift their standards.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: But what if their literacy and numeracy standards aren't up to scratch? Will they do remedial courses or...?

CHRIS BOWEN: Yes. Yes, and universities would work with them. The university will want them to pass that test as well.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: Would they have to face a test before they left, before they went into the classroom?

CHRIS BOWEN: Yes, that's right. That's right. If they didn't pass the first test, they'd have the opportunity to re-submit, show that they've lifted their standard into the top 30 per cent.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: Now you're also proposing an emotional intelligence test. Who would do it?

CHRIS BOWEN: Well, what we're doing is we are tasking AITSL, the Institute of Teaching and Learning, to develop the best practice guidelines for admission, which would include assessments of, as you say, emotional intelligence, commitment to teaching, a requirement to put in writing why somebody wants to be a teacher and assessment of extra-curricular and community activity, which goes to a commitment of education.

Many universities already have these sorts of assessments in place, but we want to see a nationally consistent approach and best practice approach across the board.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: And that would be done before they went to uni?

CHRIS BOWEN: Yeah, that's right. That would be part of the admission process.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: And how do you propose these changes would be put into place? Are they part of Gonski or are they part of higher education reform?

CHRIS BOWEN: Well, they're part of higher education reform. I've already obviously spoken to many of the vice-chancellors, with high proportions of teaching students and each one of them has indicated that they would be very keen to work cooperatively with the Government to implement this.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: If you could turn your mind to the fallout from the West Australian election, what message do you say that it sends to you and your federal colleagues?

CHRIS BOWEN: Well look every election always has a range of issues involved in it. Federal, state, there's always been people with different views. From my point of view, I didn't go to Western Australia during the state campaign, so I don't have a particularly good insight as to what were issues and what weren't.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: Do you agree with former state Labor MP Alannah MacTiernan that Labor's only chance to avoid annihilation in September is if Julia Gillard agrees to stand down and that she needs to confront that reality?

CHRIS BOWEN: Well, let me repeat what I've said many times on this topic Alex, that this issue was resolved last February and I think that's the view of the Caucus.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: So you don't see that there's any way that the Party can turn now to Kevin Rudd or anybody else?

CHRIS BOWEN: Well I'm going to give you the same answer that I've given you and given every other person who's asked me: there's a democratic process in place last February, the Prime Minister has said that she regards that matter as resolved, Kevin Rudd has said he regards that matter as resolved, and the matter's resolved.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: Apart from buoying up some Labor MPs in Western Sydney, do you think the Prime Minister's visit there got any extra votes for Labor?

CHRIS BOWEN: Well look, prime ministers are always welcome in an important region like Western Sydney. It was great to have a prime minister back in Western Sydney. She's visited many times, this was a bit more of an intensive visit over a short period of time. But that's welcome.

I don't recall John Howard coming to Western Sydney very much at all during his prime ministership...

ALEXANDRA KIRK: He probably didn't need to, did he?

CHRIS BOWEN: Well, you know, it's not just about politics, it's about representing the whole country, and it's important for prime ministers to visit regions across the country, including Western Sydney. A very big economy, a very important part of Sydney and that's always very welcome.

ELEANOR HALL: That's the Federal Minister for Tertiary Education Chris Bowen speaking there to Alexandra Kirk.

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