Sunday, March 3, 2013

Media stunted by PM's western Sydney visit - ABC Online

Find More Stories Julia Gillard shakes hands with party members following a speech at the University of Western Sydney (AAP: Paul Miller)

Media stunted by PM's western Sydney visit

Peter Chen

Peter Chen

The media's primary interpretation of Gillard's visit to western Sydney was that it was little more than a PR stunt. This interpretation is as weak as it is lazy, writes Peter John Chen.

The status of the Prime Minister's popularity reminds me of the old Chinese proverb that says "everyone pushes a falling fence".

Chronically low in the polls, everything Prime Minister Julia Gillard seems to do is interpreted in terms of her low popularity. If she managed to walk across Sydney Harbour today, the only headline tomorrow would be that the PM can't swim.

Given this, it was unsurprising that Julia Gillard's announcement that she'd be spending a week in western Sydney was largely met with derision.

The primary interpretation of this "fact finding" mission was it was little more than a PR stunt indicating that - regardless what the PM said when she announced the date of the election - she'd moved into electioneering mode as expected. This confirms a popular view of the PM as both shallow and dishonest.

This interpretation is as weak as it is lazy. This can be seen on two fronts: first, the dismissal of the visit as simply campaigning and second, ignoring its stated purpose.

We live in a media-saturated world. We tweet about what we shove in our face and blog what comes out the other end. That the commitment of a considerable amount of time in a particular part of the country would, by nature, develop the characteristics of "a stunt" is inevitable regardless of its deeper motivation.

Gillard didn't introduce to Australia the strategy of the continual campaign, nor did Howard. As Queensland academic Ian Ward has observed, the growth of the PR state in Australia developed from the 1970s and was in full force under Hawke-Keating.

Media criticisms of the PM's visit as little more than campaigning are hypocritical. The use of continual polling to "create news" that focuses largely only on leadership and two-party preferred voting intention demonstrates how much of the media is content to live in the "horse-race" world of the continual campaign, rather than the more cognitively taxing one of policy making, governing, and assessing the performance of public policy.

Similarly, if the purpose of the visit is to meet people and get a feel for the issues out west, why the angst? For some reason we've been conditioned to see these types of visits in very cynical ways. Just as it is said that bad governments use "polls" and "focus groups", there's a general narrative that good leaders are somehow psychically able to know about the issues and concerns of average people, and that attempts to systematically assess this is in some way an admission of failure.

"Gut" wins over head. But why? Think about it.

Against this narrative is the continual background of leadership speculation. Last Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald happily pronounced that the western Sydney seats would more likely held by a Rudd-led ALP. Over-reading the forced-choice poll as implying "only" Rudd could save the party, the lead article continued the trend of pushing for an ALP leadership change.

While this type of media interventionism serves to sell papers by adding more soap to the news, it also reflects a nervous weakness in journalistic circles. Having been completely blindsided by the original spill which no-one in the media was privy to, it seems that the strategy of many journalists is to continually argue for another one. In helping to bring one on, they can then finally reclaim their position as special experts with a good grasp of the "inside dope".

Western Sydney is again lost in all of this "high-level" game playing. Just like the highly orchestrated and artificial Rooty Hill debates of the 2010 election campaign, the people of the west serve as little more than a backdrop for political elites and the journalists that shadow them.

This, quite frankly, blows. Sydney, more than any city in Australia, is increasingly stratified. The lack of serious and bold transport visions by governments of either stripe in the state has seen those out west trade lower house prices for higher transport costs. Our elites patronise the west as a homogeneous, socially backwards and racist area with immigration policies reflective of Ming's 1950s rather than recognising the area as diverse and socially complex.

On top of this, most political and media elites treat the ongoing gun violence that's been raging in the west for years as simply an entrenched part of background noise of events "out there".

Like a map with a vague "here be dragons", the west is a place without texture. As long as gun violence stays "out there" it's not the raging concern that it should be.

Props to the PM for taking some time to explore this undiscovered country.

Dr Peter John Chen is a lecturer in media and politics at the University of Sydney. His most recent book, Australian Politics in a Digital Age, is available as a free download from ANU E Press. View his full profile here.

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