Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Secret meeting held over gun crime tensions - Sydney Morning Herald

Keysar Trad

Muslim community leader Keysar Trad said the meeting was about co-operation. Photo: Robert Pearce

Senior police and Middle Eastern community leaders held a secret meeting in a south-west Sydney cafe on Wednesday night in a bid to quell recent tensions over the force's attempt to tackle gun crime.

The community is outraged over what it perceives is an unfair stereotype – using the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad to target those responsible for the widespread shootings and gun violence across Sydney in the past 12 months.

Keysar Trad, from the Muslim Australia Organisation, joined fellow community leaders and Deputy Police Commissioner Catherine Burn, Acting Assistant Commissioner Arthur Katsogiannis and Fairfield Commander Peter Lennon at a cafe at 5pm on Wednesday, talking over their concerns for close to 90 minutes.

As he left the meeting, Mr Trad said the discussions were of "co-operation and understanding".

"On many issues we share the same philosophy," he told Fairfax Media.

"We want our society to be safe and we want people to be able to go about their daily business without fear of crime and without fear of their safety."

He said his frustrations were aimed at the politicians as much as they were police, saying they should stop using "divisive language".

"My concern is that the ethnicising of the issue is coming from a political level," he said.

"Get rid of the ME [Middle Eastern] and just call it the Organised Crime Squad."

The most senior police officer present, Deputy Commissioner Burn, said the meeting was successful.

"I think that any time we are able to talk to the community is a success," she said. "And we will continue to talk to the community."

Mr Trad said there were plans to hold further meetings as well as broader community forums.

Ms Burn and Mr Katsogiannis, who heads the Organised Crime Directorate, were among the officers who launched Operation Apollo last week, which aims to utilise the wide resources of the MEOCS to stop the public place shootings being experienced across Sydney's suburbs.

Fairfax Media has previously reported great discontent by not only the wider Middle Eastern community, but also the officers from MEOCS who have been told to halt all its covert and proactive investigations across a range of crimes, and focus solely on gun crime.

Senior officers believe that Sydney's south-west suburbs will become a reinvigorated breeding ground for those Middle Eastern crime gangs whose criminal activities have nothing to do with firearms.

"Watch Middle Eastern crime start to go through the roof while we run around looking into bullet holes in walls," said one senior officer.

"Car rebirthing, fraud, drugs, extortions – they're all the crimes we actively investigate on a daily basis, and now they're going to get ignored," said another.

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