"Roo old" ... Roger Rogerson at court on Thursday. Photo: Peter Rae
ROGER ROGERSON walked into the NSW Supreme Court hobbling on one crutch, and asked to take an oath.
''So help me God,'' he said, as he agreed to tell the truth.
The disgraced former NSW police detective gave evidence on Thursday in the case of Sydney woman Virginia Diroy Nemeth, who is taking action against Jim Byrnes and two companies of which his wife was sole director.

Jim Byrnes … stood to earn up to $15 million Photo: Ben Rushton
Mr Rogerson told the court he did some investigation work for Ms Nemeth during a lengthy court case related to her divorce and offered to protect her using his links to the police force.
He said he wanted Ms Nemeth to know anything he would do for her would be ''in a legal fashion''.
Robert Newlinds, SC, for Ms Nemeth, asked if it was common for people to request he carry out criminal acts on their behalf.
''[It's] not unusual at all,'' Mr Rogerson said.
But he said he wasn't, and never had been, interested in doing anything illegal.
''I'd deny I did anything in the past. It's what people think I did in the past.''
Mr Newlinds asked: ''Your position is you don't do that sort of thing?''
''No, I'm getting a bit old now. If I was interested in doing it, I probably couldn't. I'd probably get caught,'' Mr Rogerson said.
Ms Nemeth claims Mr Byrnes took unfair advantage of her when she signed a contract with Australian Litigation Funders and Australian Corporate Restructuring Services to provide money for her court case in early 2010, and wants the document to be declared void.
Mr Rogerson said he knew Ms Nemeth's husband Ferdinand and his step-son Anthony Nemeth, and hoped that relationship would make the proceedings easier.
The court heard Ms Nemeth, who lives in Darling Point, had received an $8 million settlement, but wanted more and sacked a series of lawyers who told her to accept the money.
Mr Newlinds asked Mr Rogerson if he thought Ms Nemeth was greedy.
''I'd say very greedy.''
Mr Rogerson said Ms Nemeth's friend, a psychic named Sarah Winter, set up a meeting with Mr Byrnes.
He said he was happy with the decision to involve Mr Byrnes, who was once Alan Bond's bankruptcy advisor.
''I'd seen the situation with him and Alan Bond. I knew he'd been very successful in business in Sydney,'' Mr Rogerson said.
''I knew he had a company that did this sort of conciliatory work, debt collecting … on a grand scale, you might say, using lawyers and so on. I thought this bloke might be just the one for this,'' he said.
Mr Newlinds said the contract meant that at worst, Mr Byrnes would receive $2 million. The most he could earn would be $15 million.
''That's a great deal for him.''
He said Ms Nemeth had a ''special disability'' at the time she signed the contract and was incapable of making decisions that would protect her own interests.
The hearing continues.

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