Staff believe several people may have been involved in stealing an emu from a Sydney wildlife park.

There are also concerns for the welfare of the bird, which is likely to be "extremely stressed" by the ordeal of being taken from its home and forced over fences by its captors.

A large amount of feathers was all that remained in the adult female's enclosure at Featherdale Wildlife Park on Tuesday morning when she was noticed missing.

Police believe she was stolen between 4.50pm on Monday (AEDT) and 7.20am on Tuesday (AEDT).

Senior Park Curator Chad Staples said the size of the yard and nature of the bird led staff to believe there were several people behind the theft.

"They're a fairly erratic bird at the best of times," he told ABC on Wednesday morning.

"The simple logistics of trying to herd an adult emu and then be able to capture it is a huge undertaking.

"There had to be quite a few of them."

Mr Staples said the emu would no doubt be distressed.

"It's been plucked from its home... in the middle of the night, forced over fences and god knows what else."

"It would be extremely stressful for the bird."

Police are asking anyone who sees an adult emu in an unusual place to contact Crime Stoppers.