WHEN the Prime Minister took the stage at the National Press Club on Wednesday, the nation buzzed with excitement.
Words like ''unprecedented'' and ''shock move'' were whispered. Eyebrows wiggled and Twitter began to chirp as people stared at their TVs. Was Julia Gillard wearing glasses?
Ms Gillard may have announced the election date - 7½ months early - but, for a moment, the glasses threatened to overshadow the news. Not since John Howard went rimless had Australia witnessed such a major politico-ocular event. While the Prime Minister usually wears contact lenses or glasses, she is rarely - if ever - seen in public avec specs. And Wednesday was the first time Ms Gillard had worn the new, dark-framed pair.
At first, the news was treated with a touch of suspicion. What was the Prime Minister up to? Surely things could not be as simple as wanting to read her speech without squinting.
As Adelaide writer and ''vampire hunter'' Michael Scott Hand posted: ''I don't remember seeing Julia Gillard wearing glasses before. Is it because THIS TIME SHE MEANS BUSINESS?''
Some punters hypothesised that the member for Lalor was courting the youth market with the trendy pair. ''It seems @JuliaGillard is already campaigning to the hipster voters with those new glasses. Well played,'' wrote Sydney's Kath McLellan.
Then again, the glasses were suspiciously similar to the pair currently sported by outgoing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. How hipster could that be?
Justin Colee (who describes himself as pro-carbon tax) had other ideas: ''did @JuliaGillard borrow her glasses from Greg Combet?''
Soon enough, all the talk of the Prime Minister's eye wear prompted fears that the talk was too superficial.
Besides, everyone knows that you shouldn't discuss the appearance of female politicians. Particularly those who have a history of making headline speeches against sexism.
Marketing expert Jane Caro told Fairfax Media it would not be a story if Opposition Leader Tony Abbott got new glasses (he wears them for reading).
''We feel we all have the right to comment on what a woman looks like and what she wears. It's her business, isn't it?'' she said.
Sydney journalist Jemma Nott even worried about pulling ''a Greer'' with her glasses tweet, no doubt in reference to Germaine's ill-fated comments about the Prime Minister's jackets and rear end last year.
Despite the fuss, it is expected that Ms Gillard will be wearing glasses more frequently in public. Which, if anything, should ensure they become less of a spectacle.

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