Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sydney Writers' Festival: Move aside, fame, for 15 minutes of passions - Sydney Morning Herald

Jemma Birrell

First festival: Director Jemma Birrell has woven together 510 guests and 340 events. Photo: Marco Del Grande

We're obsessed with digital gadgets and gimmicks but what we really want is good stories, says Jemma Birrell, the artistic director of the Sydney Writers' Festival.

''It's easy to forget the platform is only as interesting as the story,'' she says.

The festival's opening address will be given by Daniel Morden from Britain, an oral storyteller who has performed at venues from Broadway to churches and supermarkets.

Actress Molly Ringwald

Molly Ringwald: Words in song. Photo: Getty Images

''A story in a book is like a drum in a museum,'' Morden says. ''It needs a human being interacting with it in order for it to come alive.''

Writers' festivals are about sharing stories, says Birrell, who on Thursday launched her first festival program, which will bring together a record 510 guests at 340 events from May 20 to 26.

In the international storytelling event 5x15, five speakers will talk for 15 minutes on a passion. They include Lawrence Krauss on Star Trek, Jackie Kay on taxi conversations and Amelia Lester on being managing editor of The New Yorker.

William McInnes

William McInnes: Favourites list.

Actors William McInnes and Claudia Karvan will read their favourite short stories, and Kip Williams from the Sydney Theatre Company will present readings from One Thousand and One Nights.

No technophobe, Birrell has invited Eli Horowitz, the American creator of a serialised novel for iPhones, and Aleks Krotoski, a British expert on the effects of the web on our lives.

Books remain the stars, with novelists on the program including Anita Desai from India; Britain's Deborah Levy, who was shortlisted for the Booker, Kate Atkinson and Kate Mosse; best-selling Spanish author Carlos Ruiz Zafon; American Claire Messud; Irish novelist, poet and playwright Dermot Healey; Norway's Karl Ove Knausgaard, whose six-volume autobiographical novel shocked his nation; and Molly Ringwald, actor and writer, who will sing at the closing party.

President Barack Obama's chief digital strategist, Joe Rospars, and the video director of his election campaign, Stephen Muller, will explain how 13 million online supporters changed the political landscape. Pollster Mark Textor and advertising executive Neil Lawrence, who created the winning Kevin '07 campaign, will give a local perspective.

''I wanted to look at the importance of political storytelling,'' says Birrell. ''Who is crafting the messages behind the politicians?''

Feminism continues its public resurgence with the Australian launch of Women of the World (WOW) from London's Southbank Centre.

Guests including WOW founder Jude Kelly, feminist authors Naomi Wolf and Anne Summers, comedian Ruby Wax and US foreign correspondent Janine di Giovanni will discuss women's writing, motherhood, love and war, sex, misogyny and the big question: ''I'm a feminist - can I vajazzle?''

Each day will begin with coffee and papers, with journalists from the Herald and overseas chatting about the news in the Wharf Theatre bar. A big top will entertain children and the festival club will present late-night talk and music.

Winners of the NSW Premier's Literary Awards will be announced at the festival. Shortlists were released on Thursday and finalists at the festival will include Gillian Mears, whose public events are limited by multiple sclerosis, speaking for the first time in Sydney about her award-winning novel Foal's Bread.

The full festival program is in Spectrum, in Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald.

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