Friday, April 12, 2013

Sydney drug house fitted with booby traps - Ninemsn - Ninemsn

Police have uncovered more than half a million dollars worth of cannabis in a suburban home, but there was another shock in store at the southwest Sydney property.

The Cabramatta house was also fitted out with two electrical booby traps that police believe were designed to zap unwary trespassers.

The raid on Friday afternoon turned up 222 cannabis plants with a street value of nearly $600,000.

As part of the search warrant, technicians conducted a routine search for an electrical bypass.

They discovered not only a bypass but two booby traps linked to it.

Police will allege one live trap was attached to the handle of a door to a room full of cannabis plants and a second, inactive trap was connected to the handle of the back door.

It's believed the traps could be activated upon leaving the house to give an electrical shock to would-be trespassers.

Investigations are continuing to identify those responsible.

In an unrelated raid on Friday, Strike Force Zambesi investigators seized 73 hydroponically-grown cannabis plants at a Canley Vale house.

A 50-year-old man was charged with cultivating a prohibited plant and being found on drug premises.

He was granted conditional bail to appear in Liverpool Local Court on June 5.

Do you have any story leads, photos or videos?

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