Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Revealed: secret plan to muddy the waters - Brisbane Times

Streamwatch program

Promoting awareness ... NSW school students formed a large part of the Streamwatch program.

IT WAS a secret but carefully planned public relations campaign, designed to ''minimise negative community perception'' over a decision to cut school students out of a volunteer-run water monitoring program.

Sydney Water will save just $100,000 a year by cutting ties with Streamwatch, under which 170 NSW schools tested local waterways for pollution.

But internal documents show Sydney Water and the government drew up lists of community groups thought to have ''a high risk of being vocal'' about the change, and discussed detailed plans for protecting the agency's ''corporate reputation''.

Greg Pearce

Cutting costs ... the Minister for Finance and Services, Greg Pearce. Photo: Nic Walker

The NSW government agency shifted the 22-year-old program to the Australian Museum with a reduced budget, and limited involvement of volunteer community groups.

It expected to take some ''flack'' for cutting the school education program, the documents show, but this was outweighed by the benefits of saving some money and offloading responsibility for the safety risks associated with having volunteers working with chemicals and testing water.

The NSW opposition, which obtained the Sydney Water documents under freedom of information laws, believed the government approved the cuts as the program had a knack of uncovering pollution problems.

''These documents show clearly that the O'Farrell government has little commitment to protecting the environment and is only concerned about window-dressing,'' said Labor's water spokesman, Walt Secord.

''This is the government that has allowed hunting in national parks and allowed a resumption of duck hunting in NSW. These documents show it wanted to get rid of the Streamwatch program because it generated negative publicity and highlighted potential problems involving water pollution.''

The Streamwatch program has a history of detecting pollution in creeks and rivers that has embarrassed industry and previous state governments.

In 2007, Streamwatch testing found high levels of toxic metals and arsenic being discharged in a river near Lithgow that feeds Sydney's drinking water catchment. The discovery led to coal-fired power station operator Delta Electricity agreeing to modify its discharges after a landmark court case.

Last year, Streamwatch volunteers reported findings that showed Sydney Water was itself a large polluter of the city's waterways through overflowing sewers and leaking sewage pipes. It was also revealed the agency dumped heavy metals including mercury, cadmium and zinc into the ocean.

An internal briefing document said Streamwatch ''has been progressively scaled back and its strategic value questioned as Sydney Water's priorities have changed and budgets have been tightened''. Community groups had been ''initially alarmed'' and schools ''disappointed'' when told sections of the program would be dismantled.

''Without a functioning website, groups are indicating there is little point continuing with the program. Options for the Streamwatch website are currently being considered.''

Apart from saving $100,000 a year by transferring the program to the Australian Museum, Sydney Water would benefit by no longer having responsibility for health and safety aspects of water monitoring, the documents say.

''There are safety risks if groups keep using chemicals without adequate training, site hazard assessments and current risk management controls,'' the agency said in an internal memo.

About 170 schools had been involved in Streamwatch and about 50 community groups.

The Minister for Finance and Services, Greg Pearce, has responsibility for the decision. He said in a statement that reduced funding, via donations to the Australian Museum, would continue for four years.

''The museum's wealth of expertise and knowledge in the delivery of science, education and research will contribute greatly to the success of this new phase of Streamwatch,'' Mr Pearce said.

''Sydney Water is continuing its commitment to water education through tours at its water recycling education centre and other sites, education programs, online resources and collaboration with other education institutions.''

Asked why Sydney Water was so concerned about minimising negative reaction to the change, he said: ''Sydney Water remains focused on protecting the excellent reputation of the program.''

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