Sunday, December 9, 2012

movie interrupted by car chase drama - Sydney Morning Herald

Crash ... the stolen car crashed into this green hatchback.

Crash ... the stolen car crashed into this green hatchback. Photo: reader

A quiet night in front of the television turned into a live action drama for one Sydney resident when a man was arrested outside his home for allegedly leading police on a high-speed pursuit in the city's inner east.

The resident was watching the action flick The Bourne Identity in his living room in Paddington just after 1am on Monday when the sirens he initially thought were coming from his television seemed too realistic even for Hollywood.

"We thought the sirens were part of the movie, and then we realised they were getting closer," the man, who did not want to be named, said.

He then heard a crash, which "sounded like a lot of broken metal and a lot of screeching tyres", and ran outside to find a Ford Territory, which police said was stolen, had hit a small hatchback.

Police said officers had stopped the black Territory in Bondi Junction about 1am and the driver was unable to provide identification.

When officers went to their car to conduct checks, the driver allegedly mounted the gutter and hit the police car before speeding away.

Police chased the car, which allegedly reached speeds of 160km/h in a 60km/h zone.

Police said the Territory ran through a red light and struck a green hatchback at the intersection of Flinders Street and Moore Park Road in Paddington, before the driver again sped away and mounted a footpath, causing a large amount of property, suspected of being stolen, to fall from the boot.

The driver ran from the car before officers chased him and arrested him.

The 32-year-old driver was taken to the Prince of Wales Hospital for medical checks. He is expected to be questioned later today.

A female constable was taken to the same hospital for observation after the crash.

The man driving the green hatchback did not require treatment.

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