Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ivy bouncers jailed for patron bashing - Sydney Morning Herald - Sydney Morning Herald

Bashed ... Nicholas Barsoum.

Bashed ... Nicholas Barsoum. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Two of three bouncers who bashed a teenage patron at Sydney's Ivy nightclub have been jailed over the attack.

Jason Mendelow, 25, Paul Fenukitau, 43, and Emmanouil Ntaras, 32, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm in company over the CBD attack on August 28 last year.

The victim, 19-year-old Nicholas Barsoum, was forced to the ground, kicked, punched, gagged and stomped on in the early hours of the morning, leaving him with internal bleeding and serious facial injuries.

Jailed ... Emmanouil Ntaras.

Jailed ... Emmanouil Ntaras. Photo: Anthony Johnson

The offenders lost their jobs and their security guard licences after the bashing.

In Sydney's Downing Centre District Court on Wednesday, Ntaras, a trained cage fighter, was sentenced to a maximum of 27 months, with a non-parole period of 14 months.

Mendelow, who admitted kicking Mr Barsoum in the head in the club's basement, was sentenced to at least a year in jail, with a maximum term of two years.

Fenukitau, a father of six, may escape jail, with Judge Leonie Flannery sentencing him to up 22 months which he may be able to serve by way of an intensive correction order.

This can include community service, strict supervision and curfews.

He will be assessed by corrective services at a later date.

In October, a fourth bouncer found guilty of common assault, 35-year-old Menelaus Hendra, was sentenced to a maximum of 18 months in jail with a nine-month non-parole period.


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