Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sydney parking changes a welcome gift - The Daily Telegraph

Parking ticket

Council ranger giving out a parking ticket in Paddington on Oxford Street. Picture: Damian Shaw Source: The Daily Telegraph

SYDNEY'S inconsistent and arbitrary system of parking fines has long been due for a thorough shake-up.

As a special pre-Christmas gift, it appears we might just be getting one.

Besides being painfully erratic, our city's parking fines are also massively out of proportion to parking crimes. Workers on low pay can easily lose a significant chunk of their day's earnings to just one or two ill-judged parking decisions.

Fury over fines played a large role in the recent council elections.

Thankfully, councils appear to have heard the message. Six Sydney councils, better known for their thirst for revenue, are moving to overhaul their parking systems, with increased numbers of non-paying days and free zones.

One of the least attractive aspects of the current system is the us-against-motorists attitude of some parking officers, who appear to almost take a religious zeal to their work.

That might be toned down a little following directives from some councils. Put simply, parking officers are being told to give people a break. If someone is clearly parking for just a minute or two to collect some shopping or pick up their kids, let them be.

It's about time.

With improved attitudes, motorists too might find themselves being less hostile to parking officials, who historically haven't won many popularity polls. It might even be possible to see a few smiles out there instead of the usual confrontations.

The key to opening up Sydney's major shopping zones is greater access to parking. Councils seem now to understand that it should be encouraged.

Local economies prosper when businesses, rather than councils, are making money.

Let's see Sydney throw off its parking shackles.

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