Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sydney men arrested after mosque 'threat' - The Australian

TWO suspected Muslim extremists have been arrested at a mosque in Sydney's south after threats were allegedly made against worshippers.

Police say two men are in custody after an operation at the mosque in Arncliffe, in Sydney's south, this afternoon.

They said one man was removed from the mosque about 1.15pm AEDT by "members of the congregation" before being arrested by police stationed outside.

Another man was arrested outside the mosque, police said.

They did not specify the nature of the arrests.

A witness at the mosque, who does not want to be named, said he saw members of the congregation drag a man wearing Islamic clothing from the building about 1pm.

The witness said worshippers hauled the man out of the mosque and took him "down the street", before police arrived and apprehended him.

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He said the man appeared to be an Anglo-Saxon Australian and said he thought he might have been a Wahabi extremist.

Jamal Daoud of the Social Justice Network said he was contacted by a member of the Muslim community who said two Wahabi extremists had threatened Shia Muslims gathered to observe the day of Ashura at the Masjid Fatima Al Zahrah mosque.

"We have information that two men were arrested when they attempted attacking masses of Shia Muslims remembering the Ashura in Arncliffe," Mr Daoud said.

He said the action came after calls for violence against Shia were made on Facebook yesterday.

Mr Daoud said worshippers at the mosque called police when they became suspicious of attempts by the two men to use their mobile phones.


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