Monday, November 26, 2012

South Sydney ready to swoop on Israel Folau if Eels casn't find room under ... - The Daily Telegraph

Israel Folau

The Rabbitohs look set to pounce on Israel Folau if the Eels cannot fit him under their salary cap. Picture digitally altered Source: The Daily Telegraph

THE NRL will block a radical Parramatta attempt to sign Israel Folau by breaking the club's salary cap next season - and South Sydney could be waiting to pounce.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal the Rabbitohs have expressed a private interest in signing Folau if the NRL cannot register the Eels deal.

Sources close to Folau's management team said their client was "open" to the idea of representing Souths next season, despite his first preference being Parramatta.

South Sydney chief executive Shane Richardson said only yesterday: "We don't make comment in regards to our recruitment."

The only question mark would be about whether Souths have sufficient room to move in their salary cap, yet key forwards Dave Taylor and Eddy Pettybourne have moved on and Scott Geddes has retired.

St George Illawarra, Gold Coast and possibly Canberra may also have space to look at Folau, who will also be pursued by rugby union teams overseas.

Parramatta are seeking approval from the ARLC to spend more than the game's $5 million salary cap for next year to sign Folau and then operate under a reduced cap for 2014.

The ARLC wants Folau registered at $400,000 and is ready to reject Parramatta's proposal to have the club's cap raised to $5.4 million for next year but reduced by $400,000 - to $4.6 million - for 2014.

The plan would see the Eels spend the same amount - $10 million - as every other club.

But the ARLC is understood to be wary of the deal, cautious about rival clubs' reaction.

And one NRL club chief executive said: "There's no way they could approve that. There would be hell to pay. Every club would be trying that on. I know Manly would be going straight to the NRL to register Brett Stewart."

NRL interim CEO Shane Mattiske would not elaborate on Parramatta's plan but did say: "We are keen to have Israel return to the game but it is important the integrity of the salary cap is maintained.

"We have been in discussions with Parramatta to provide guidance about the best contract structure that complies with the salary cap rules which all 16 clubs support. We are continuing our discussions with the Eels."

A second option to register Folau is culling one, two or maybe three Eels players, but that would be difficult given pre-season training has begun.

"It's an extremely complicated situation," Eels chief executive Ken Edwards said. "It's becoming frustrating. We need to know as a club where we are so we can move forward, and so does Israel Folau."

In The Daily Telegraph's online poll yesterday, of more than 6500 respondents who were asked, 'Should the Eels be allowed to breach the salary cap to sign Israel Folau?' nearly 70 per cent said no.

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