Saturday, November 24, 2012

He was drowning his sorrows: Zara Phillips reveals she met Mike Tindall at ... - The Daily Telegraph

Royal Zara Philips talks to 60 Minutes about how she met husband and rugby player Mike Tindall at Manly Wharf Bar in Sydney.

Zara Phillips

Zara Phillips and rugby player Mike Tindall celebrate their wedding last year. Picture: Splash News Source: Supplied

HANG around the right bars in Sydney and the next person to ask if you'd like a drink could be royalty. Or a drunk rugby player.

The Queen's granddaughter Zara Phillips has revealed she met her future husband, Mike Tindall, at the Manly Wharf bar in Sydney as he drowned his sorrows.

She told 60 Minutes that the romantic encounter took place during the 2003 Rugby World Cup and that Tindall was trying ease the pain of being dropped from the England squad before the semi-finals.

"It kind of went from there," she says in an interview to be aired tonight.

The Manly Wharf bar is a favourite with English tourists and rugby fans, but that isn't to say it isn't classy, which probably saves the royal family from a bit of shame.

The couple's love for each other blossomed and they married last year, with Tindall claiming that it was his "pure charm" that won her heart.

The Phillips-Tindall romance isn't the first royal romance Sydney has had a hand in. Crown Princess Mary famously met her future husband, the heir to the Danish throne, at the Slip Inn during the Sydney Olympics.

What makes Phillips' first encounter with Tindall amusing is that Prince Harry was involved. Harry introduced the drunk rugby player to his cousin at the bar. Phillips should be thankful - the prince's choice of suitor could have been a lot worse.

Mind you, Tindall did get caught cavorting with a blonde girl at a New Zealand bar during last year's World Cup and he did buy Phillips a £2.99 card from a supermarket to mark their one-year anniversary.

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