Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bikie shot four times in Sydney street - The Australian

The scene of a shooting in Rhodes

A Sydney shooting in which a man was gunned down may be bikie-related, police say. Source: AAP

A MAN with links to an outlaw bikie gang remains in critical condition after being shot four times in the stomach in a Sydney carpark.

The attack came just two days after a Comanchero was fatally wounded at a wedding.

Neighbours in an adjacent unit block at Rhodes, in Sydney's west, heard the shots just before 5am (AEDT) on Wednesday, followed by the sound of the man screaming for help.

"I heard a guy calling out for help," Ashlea Nicholson told reporters.

"Just 'help', over and over. At least 10 times."

The 28-year-old man, who's described as being of Middle Eastern appearance, left a trail of blood as he stumbled 500 metres and collapsed in front of a construction site on Rider Boulevard.

Police marked a path of 44 blood spatters that led past the Rhodes train station, cafes and unit blocks.

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The injured man passed a childcare centre before collapsing in front of a construction site just metres from Rhodes Waterside shopping centre.

"There was a man on the ground and (he was) screaming," a construction worker at the building site, who asked not be named, told AAP.

"Blood was pouring out and he was screaming.

"The cops told me it was a bikie shooting."

The construction worker said he believed at least one outlaw motorcycle gang (OMCG) member lived in the unit block next to where the shooting occurred.

"I heard this bikie leader lived over there in the penthouse," the man said.

He saw another man come out into the street and apply pressure to the victim's wounds before paramedics and police arrived at the scene.

The victim was rushed to Westmead Hospital in a critical condition and was undergoing surgery.

Detective Superintendent Mark Jones said the victim was known to police.

"It's not simply a random shooting at this stage," he told reporters at the crime scene.

"He does certainly have a link to OMCG."

A Comanchero member at the scene did not witness the shooting, but said bikie members congregated in all parts of Sydney.

"I've been a member of the Comancheros for 31 years," the man told AAP.

"Bikies hang out everywhere."

He said that when he joined the Comanchero, members were motorcycle enthusiasts, but this had changed.

"They're not bikies, they're gangs," he said.

He labelled the fatal shooting of Comanchero member Faalau Pisu outside a wedding in Canley Vale on the weekend as "disgusting".

Another Comanchero and an associate of the gang were wounded in that attack but survived.

A bloodied shirt lay on Rider Boulevard where the man collapsed on Wednesday.

As residents were leaving the area for work, hundreds arrived at Rhodes to start work day at the local business complex.

Police on the scene deployed a sniffer dog where the shooting took place.

Senior officers from the State Crime Command will hold a media conference later on Wednesday.

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