Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sydney motorists urged to stay off roads - Ninemsn

Bushfires surrounding Sydney have created a traffic nightmare, with even city commuters advised to reconsider their plans.

Transport authorities have warned bushfires are affecting major roads around Sydney, with only the Great Western Highway open to take Blue Mountains residents in and out.

The Pacific Highway between Lake Munmorah and Swansea was closed as was the Hume Highway between Mittagong and Wilton as of 7pm (AEDT).

Premier Barry O'Farrell told media there were reports of a 20km traffic queue leading into Sydney on the Hume Highway.

Efforts were being made to deliver water to those stuck on the highway, he added.

A Transport Management Centre spokeswoman said if motorists did not need to be on the roads they should look at other options, including staying in the city.

RFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons also asked motorists to avoid going into areas where fire trucks needed access.

"If you don't need to be anywhere near these things, for goodness sake stay away," he said.

"You're not welcome, you're not necessary and all you do is clog the access and egress for those affected by these fires and the emergency workers and firefighters that are trying to get in."

The rail network is also disrupted with buses replacing trains on Blue Mountain lines.

Transport authorities were also working to replace trains in the Southern Highlands between Campbelltown and Picton with buses.

The bushfires have wreaked havoc across the road network in southern NSW on Thursday with the Pacific Highway closed twice at different locations and multiple road closures north of Newcastle.

Newcastle Airport is also still closed.

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