Published: 6:48PM Saturday October 19, 2013 Source: ONE News
An Australian sailing crew has set the record for the fastest time sailing between Sydney and Auckland.
The trimaran Team Australi' sailed into Auckland Harbour today, just two days and 17 hours after leaving Sydney.
While there's no official trans-Tasman sailing record, the fastest reported time is five days.
The team set off on the 1260 nautical mile journey from Sydney on Wednesday.
"The first night we had 45 knots of wind and probably about four-and-a-half, five-metre seas," said skipper Sean Langman.
The aim was to make the journey in three days.
The team's Kiwi navigator, Josh Alexander, has been sailing since he was a boy.
"Now I've got two world records racing for Team Australia as a Kiwi," said Mr Alexander, who is originally from Auckland.
Over the last 65 hours, the crew has barely slept. With just one bed on-board they had to take turns taking short power naps.
The crew's next challenge is the Coastal Classic next week.
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