Royal tour: Prince Harry will hit Sydney on Saturday. Photo: Getty Images
Prince Harry is to go walkabout in Sydney on Saturday, taking part in a 'meet and greet' during his visit to attend the International Fleet Review.
Fairfax Media has learnt that the walk-through will take place after he steps off the navy ship HMAS Leeuwin and before he attends an official engagement to meet dozens of young Australians with Prime Minister Tony Abbott at Kirribilli House.
Prince Harry will be on the harbour on the surveying ship Leeuwin from about 10.30am-2pm and will accompany Governor-General Quentin Bryce who, as the Queen's representative, will take the royal salute from warship crews anchored in the harbour.
The prince expressed a wish to have "some level of public interaction" during his whistle-stop visit and originally the Sydney Opera House was considered but has now been thought too tricky in terms of travel logistics with the size of the crowds expected on the foreshore.
A final decision will be approved by Buckingham Palace but the two favoured locations are Mrs Macquaries chair near the Royal Botanic Gardens, or the Rocks, possibly at Dawes Point or Campbells Cove.
A source said that the walkabout will not be actively promoted due to concerns over causing traffic congestion.
"It will be incredibly short," said the source, who confirmed it would happen after leaving the ship "while moving to the official part of the program".
"We are trying to avoid a crowd crush and keep open thoroughfares through the crowds."
The International Fleet Review, the centenary of Australia's first naval fleet arriving in the harbour, starts on Friday when warships come through the heads and receive a 21-gun salute.

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