Saturday, July 27, 2013

Urban sprawl eats into Sydney's farmland - Sydney Morning Herald

Warren Rowles inspectiing his juvenile UF Sun peaches on his orchard, Kenrow Park in Glenorie north west of Sydney.

Tough: Warren Rowles at his Glenorie farm. Photo: Dallas Kilponen

Despite his family growing peaches and lemons on the fringes of Sydney for nearly 50 years, Warren Rowles says the farming tradition will end with him.

"It's never been so tough,'' said Mr Rowles, 59, from his Glenorie farm near the Hawkesbury River on the outskirts of the Hills district. ''I'm waiting for a developer to give me an offer. My two daughters have city jobs and they aren't interested."

Mr Rowles is part of Sydney's shrinking pool of farmers sending fresh fruits and vegetables to the Sydney Markets at Flemington, which now draws two-thirds of produce from interstate.

Victorian growers sent 28 per cent and Queensland 21 per cent of the 860,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables sold at the markets in 2010, a study by the University of Western Sydney found.

More than 97 per cent of fruit and vegetables were grown beyond a 150-kilometre radius of the market, which serves greengrocers, supermarkets and restaurants weekdays and the public on weekends.

Supplies of local produce had become "disappointingly insignificant", said Professor Phillip O'Neill, who worked on the study.

"Sydney farms are disappearing but now we know it's fallen below any levels of significance," he said.

The study found that more than 93 per cent of leafy and stem vegetables such as spinach and celery - the category dominated by producers in the Sydney basin - came from Victoria.

Sydney's urban sprawl had wiped out market gardens on peripheral land since first settlement, said Professor O'Neill.

"The problem now is Sydney's expansion has reached the last phase, where in 20 to 50 years the sprawl will eradicate unprotected farms,'' he said. NSW growers had excelled in producing mushrooms, with most less than 50 kilometres from the market. They also contributed three-quarters of citrus fruit and melons sold at the market.

The study found 75 per cent of produce travelled between 500 and 2000 kilometres, while tomatoes from Perth came 3041 kilometres.

The chief executive of Sydney Markets, Brad Latham, said produce travelled vast distances because it was cultivated in the most ideal regions.

"Victoria is great for leafy greens. It's feeding NSW and Australia," he said. "Northern Queensland's climate is fantastic for bananas and mangoes. The diversity is great."

Colin Gray, chief executive of NSW Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries, said wholesale and retail prices were determined by supply and demand. "A good tomato from 20 kilometres away can be more expensive than poor quality ones 3000 kilometres away," he said. "The transport cost is absorbed by the grower in most cases."

The level of specialisation in agricultural regions, such as stone fruits in northern Victoria and leafy vegetables in the south, surprised Professor O'Neill. ''We felt the impact of this during the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria. The leaves absorbed the smoke and couldn't be eaten. The industry was severely hit and prices rocketed.''

Julian Lee, founder of Sydney Food Connect, said flaws of the central market system were exposed during natural disasters and revealed the need for various food supply chains such as farmers markets.

At his farm, Mr Rowles reflected on the impact of the urban sprawl on his family. His parents grew peaches and plums in Carlingford in the 1960s but were pushed out by housing constructions. They moved to Glenorie, where he lives today.

"Getting fruits from interstate is part of the progression of things, fuelled by reliability of weather and affordability of farming land. I get it," he said.

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