The woman who engaged in steamy online (and phone) correspondence with mayoral candidate Anthony Carlos Danger Weiner last summer has been identified as one Sydney Elaine Leathers, an Indiana resident and blogger for the Indiana Progressive Liberals. Yes, Sydney Leathers... which may turn out to be her real name? If the next mayoral debate doesn't kick off with Weiner jumping out of a clown car and sticking his head (or other body part) inside a lion's gaping maw, we're moving to Atlantic City.
Leathers, now 23, publicly rooted for Weiner before her steamy online encounters with the former congressman and his studly double Carlos Danger. After Weiner stepped down from the House of Representatives, she wrote on Facebook that he "did not do anything worthy of resignation" and "Rep Weiner can continue sending d*** pics every single day for the rest of his life as long as he continues to legislate like he does. I decided." Her Facebook page has since been taken down and The Daily Mail reports that her phone has been disconnected.
During another awkward press conference yesterday, Weiner confirmed that he was in contact with the woman (he would not comment on her identity) last summer. The initial news was broken by gossip website The Dirty, which has also not identified the woman. But Buzzfeed juxtaposed photos of her social media avatars next to the blurred out versions published by The Dirty, and the images are strikingly similar. (Before her Facebook page was taken down, the Lid grabbed more photos of Leathers for the groundlings.)

Leathers' Facebook profile photo next to the blurred-out avatar published by The Dirty. (Via Buzzfeed)
A source who claims to have known Leathers in High School also confirmed to Buzzfeed that Leathers is in fact the latest woman to have a dalliance with Danger. The source said Leathers “felt she was the important one” in Weiner’s life, even more important than his wife Huma Abedin, who spoke at a press conference for the first time yesterday in order to support her husband and their mutual lust for power.
Today the Times reports that the woman reached out to Weiner first, not long after his resignation, to express her disappointment. Within a week, according to the Times, "their exchanges veered from politics to sex, with the pair trading dozens of explicit photographs."
Nik Richie, the editor of The Dirty, tells the Times that Weiner informed Leathers of his plans to run for mayor before he announced, and that Weiner "would demand pictures almost every day. He always wanted pictures with heels in them. He loved her heels."
Richie also promises that more embarrassing photos and explicit messages between Danger and Weiner and Leathers will be revealed in the days to come, so grab your cotton candy and popcorn and an air horn and whatever else you need.

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