Daniel Nalliah with Christian supporters / Pic: David Caird Source: The Daily Telegraph
A CONTROVERSIAL anti-Islamic political leader who says he is prepared to die for his cause has denied he is inflaming violence with a talk about "Muslim enclaves" at Blacktown tonight.
Police are on alert for the speech by Rise Up Australia Party national president Daniel Nalliah at the town's RSL and have warned Mr Nalliah and the local community to say nothing that "might incite violent or criminal behaviour".
Mr Nalliah said yesterday "gutless politicians" had to stop "pussy footing" around the issue of "Muslims taking over whole suburbs and turning them into no-go zones".
He said his "patriotic" views had led to several death threats and the machete murder of a British soldier in a London street last week was in the forefront of his mind.
"I'm not going to back off," Mr Nalliah said yesterday.
"If I have to get killed for this cause, I'm willing to do that for the sake of the future of our children."
Mr Nalliah, a migrant from Sri Lanka via Saudi Arabia, who describes himself as black, denied RUP was another "white Australia" party.
It is one of several new political parties registered in time for the federal election which are expected to attract votes from the major parties.
The spectre of Muslim ghettos was raised by a federal parliamentary committee into multiculturalism which recently handed down its report.
"References were made to Muslim 'enclaves' in Sydney and Melbourne and the riots in Cronulla in 2005 to suggest a lack of willingness on the part of Muslims to embrace the Australian lifestyle, values and behaviours," the report said.
A police spokesperson said they were aware of the speech to be delivered tonight.
"Individuals and groups have a right to express their opinions as long as this is done in a lawful and respectful manner," the spokesperson said.
"We would remind people that care must be taken so nothing is said that may incite violent or criminal behaviour."
Muslim leader Keysar Trad said groups such as Rise Up Australia should be ignored: "The community should continue to ignore Islamaphobic groups such as this and let them continue to do what they want to without any publicity."

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