Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sydney University Liberal Club: Aboriginal series is 'reverse racism' -


The cast and crew of 'Redfern Now'. Pic: Scott Barbour/Getty Images Source: The Daily Telegraph

THE Sydney University Liberal Club has again come under fire, this time for suggesting a successful Aboriginal television series was an example of "reverse racism”.

The Club attracted criticism last year after it hosted an event where guest speaker Alan Jones suggested Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s father "died of shame”.

The tweet from the club’s official twitter account was published in response to a speech from the producer of the ABC show "Redfern Now”.

"So great that blackfellas are now on prime time" Darren Dale, producer of Redfern Now. Reverse racism is OK at the #logies” the tweet read.

Opposition citizenship and communities spokesman Guy Zangari has called on Premier Barry O’Farrell to condemn the comments.

"This is Liberals up to their old tricks - describing this show as an example of reverse racism is absolutely offensive, ridiculous and wrong,’’ Mr Zangari said.

"This show is about indigenous people telling their story - and about us telling our story as an Australian society.

"O’Farrell and Abbott really need to stamp out this sort of intolerant sentiment from the Liberal Party.

Sydney University Liberal Club president Alex Dore said he "sincerely apologises” for the tweet.

"I think it was an unnecessary comment. I spoke with the author, who regrets it. We sincerely apologise for it, and we are sorry it distracted from what should have been a celebration of Australian Films and TV shows,’’ Mr Dore said.

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