Illustration: Cathy Wilcox
I am speechless at waking this morning to hear, yet again, of a possible leadership spill (''PM's chamber of horrors'', March 20).
I make this open plea and lay down a challenge to all MPs: please focus on what the rest of us are focused on - doing our jobs and making ends meet. Your obsession with your own futures and power is not only undermining the government, it is deeply, highly offensive. Each and every one of you is elected to represent people like me - people who have real issues to juggle, manage and prioritise. Please, just get on with your jobs.
This is not a bad government, but it has been dreadful at communicating its successes. If you all did that, it would be a different story today. The people want leadership, not leaders. And we want a government that governs, not one that spends its energy on gossip, innuendo and white anting. Get a grip.
Lucy Cole-Edelstein Haberfield
Memo to Julia Gillard: A ''feisty woman'' would stand up to powerful groups such as the mining magnates and the Israeli lobby group. She would not allow the world's superpower to have bases on Australian land, and she would certainly not use vulnerable unfortunate people, such as refugees and single mothers, to be used to benefit herself.
Patricia Philippou Waverley
I know it's seniors week but this is taking it a bit far (''Feverish MPs turn their eyes to Crean'', smh.com.au, March 20).
John Byrne Randwick
Good generals understand a fundamental in the Art of War - never nail your colours to the mast unless you can win a fight. If you haven't got the firepower to back up your words, keep your mouth shut and look for a different victory.
Margaret Thatcher got away with it in 1982 when she announced in Parliament the Argentinians must withdraw from the Falklands or they will be pushed out. She left no room for a compromise.
In the end she had to back her words with ships and guns.
Of course she knew that if it came to that, the British navy would prevail.
Stephen Conroy, on the other hand, has given us a lesson in how not to lead an army into battle.
Even rusted on Labor voters/John Howard haters must be dismayed at the ineptitude of this Prime Minister. ''Feisty''? A schoolgirl with no gravitas and who calls Tony Abbott names in the playground. Who is not sick of hearing this misogynist rubbish?
I care not what party throws up our next leader. We deserve someone in the job who is sophisticated, savvy, wise, unbeholden to boofhead factions, and speaks with vision, not just looking for laughs from the gallery. Or do we?
How embarrassing that this is the best a great democracy like Australia can do for a government.
Graeme Smith Randwick
After Julia Gillard's petulant display in Parliament yesterday, and once again calling Tony Abbott a misogynist, perhaps Gillard should own up to being a misandrist and should be described as one.
Gerald Borthwick Stockton
I'm very annoyed at the PM's use of the ''girl card'' to get out of trouble and divert argument. As a firm believer in gender equality, it makes me furious when she uses gender as an excuse for ''being picked on''. If she wants to play in the big league, she should get out there and fight like the best. What next, Julia? Tears?
Rosemary Aitkenlt Double Bay
I wouldn't sack the Prime Minister. I'd insist she tried sacking her shockingly incompetent office first.
Matthew Bennett Queanbeyan
The scourge of 24-hour news is but one cause of the relentless leadership speculation. The underlying problem is that the media have reduced democracy in this country to a crass, quasi-presidential popularity contest. It might be easier to frame politics in this way, but it ignores constitutional realities. We should leave personality cults to banana republics and other dictatorships.
Richard Hallam Coelho Randwick
Ron Sinclair (Letters, March 20), to shoot the messenger is to excuse the shambolic disaster that this Labor government has become. Twenty-seven straight negative polls for Labor demonstrate one thing: the newspaper reporting has been wholly accurate. And if the contest for truth is between a politician and Peter Hartcher, I know where I'd have my money.
Steve Wilkinson Spring Hill
Time to consider consequences of continuous growth
Bob Dylan would be appalled at your use of his words in your editorial to justify the ongoing degradation of Sydney (''Sydney, you can really do a lot with all that room'', March 20).
The editorial, to be balanced, should have queried whether Sydney needs to grow at all, whether it should in fact contract and, most importantly, if it is to grow, where should growth stop.
We are now growing at 1.5 per cent a year, on course to have a city of more than 18 million in another 100 years and nobody wants to talk about that, nobody wants to consider whether there will be a limit to growth, what that limit might be and the economic adjustments required.
When every quarter-acre block is gone, thousands of hectares of farm and bushland destroyed and there is high-rise, high-density from Bondi to Penrith, we shall be left with a bleak megalopolis. While achieving that we shall be promoting global warming and consuming scarce resources at increasing rates.
As with people, animals and plants, growth is necessary until the optimal size is reached. So it is for Sydney.
It's time to stand in the doorway to block this mindless growth-at-all-costs ethic.
John Burke Wahroonga
Planning of Sydney: same old, same old?
The draft Sydney Metropolitan Strategy released by the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, Brad Hazzard, leaves many questions unanswered (''Hazzard wants market to have say on housing'', March 20).
Are we going to have something more specific or more of the same ad hoc development presented by developers/lobbyists with no allowance for councils to administer their widely varying local areas?
Marcia Horvai Pennant Hills
If asked where 1.3 million extra people would be best placed in NSW, anyone with an ounce of sense would answer, "Anywhere but in Sydney." Decentralisation is the only realistic answer - but not by relocating government departments to attractive regional centres, as was a previous feeble attempt in this regard.
What those centres need to entice people to relocate, and encourage local school-leavers to remain, is a modern railway network and for big business to be enticed to move there with offers of cheap land and tax incentives. Build it and they will come, and they will stay.
John Lewis Port Macquarie
Here's to impotence
I remember asking a doctor whether he had been stampeded for prescriptions of erectile dysfunction tablets when they were first made available and he told me that, at the time, one tablet cost almost as much as a slab of beer (''Erectile nasal spray simply 'didn't work''', March 20). He then asked me what I thought the average Aussie male would prefer to have for the money? Good point.
David Sayers Gwandalan
A powerful media will have its way
The hysterical beat up by the media in response to Stephen Conroy's clumsy attempt to bring a sensible response to the Finkelstein findings is brought into some perspective when the British policy is considered (''PM intervenes on bills, seeks support from crossbenchers'', March 20).
Such was the disgust of the British people to the egregious behaviour of a wide swath of the media, the leaders of the three parties agreed on common action. The policy is certainly stronger and more intrusive than anything Conroy is proposing.
The response, hyperbole and exaggeration is just another example of a large industry strategically placed deciding to take decision-making out of the hands of elected representatives. The miners, the gaming industry, the polluters and parts of the financial sector will welcome the media to their ranks.
Gus Plater Saratoga
I trust all those who yearn for government control of the media will not complain when a future Coalition government decides what may be said in the ''public interest''.
Colin Clark Mortdale
Hard to appreciate
So Genevieve George (Letters, March 20) has a dig at Fair Work Australia for standing up for workers by protecting penalty rates. I imagine it is hard for people living in Point Piper (the suburb with the highest median house price in Sydney of $7.4 million, with residents having the nation's highest average incomes of just over $182,000) to understand how the majority of the workforce live.
Clare Raffan Campsie
Heavenly culpability
Free will is a cop-out. Paul Stephen (Letters, March 19) holds God responsible for the death of 1.7 million Cambodians but Professor Neil Ormerod (Letters, March 20) says we are responsible and God's not to blame. Surely the innocent were slaughtered. It is a matter of justice. To allow evil is evil. God must be held responsible.
Anthony Horan Campbelltown
Positively speaking
How refreshing to read the column by Omar Sakr (''We must approach our problems as one, regardless of race'', March 20).
It was not just negative criticism, as we seem to be so fond of these days, but an insider story of how things really are in the big mix of western Sydney from someone who has lived it and, due to good choices, has gone on to be a great contributor to his community.
Of course he is not alone, but the key factor is we need to give people support and choices, especially in areas where there are lots of factors pulling them down.
These are the areas where we need the most innovative teachers, the after-school help and the mentors for children who often come from a non-English speaking background. We need to integrate not alienate, and we will have a great Sydney community of the future.
Erna Adolphs Normanhurst
And now education
Not only did Tony Abbott (Letters, March 20) walk the bridge on that cold day in 2000, he has distanced himself from John Howard's refusal to say ''Sorry''. He's got the rhetoric of reconciliation right.
It would be good if now he pledged that, should he become prime minister, every child in the Northern Territory will have access to some form of education.
Noel Beddoe Kiama
Lohan is no role model
What a pity the money being paid to Lindsay Lohan is not, instead, being passed on to the NSW police to continue their magnificent program of bringing less advantaged children to Sydney to foster better liaison with communities, and also just give these kids a really good time (''Lohan avoids jail, set for trip down under'', March 20).
Lohan is not the role model we need for young Australians. If she was serious about getting her life back on track she would be heading back to rehab and not wasting time on visiting our country and showing our young that it is OK to drink and drive, and shoplift. In fact, with her record I wonder why we are actually letting her in. On the other hand, with greater resources, NSW Police could run more programs that will give more young Australians the chance to achieve their dreams and, in some cases, become far better role models.
Jennifer Hole Cremorne
Police initiative cast in an undeserving light
When local police from western NSW organise a week-long visit to Sydney for a deserving group of Aboriginal children from the small town of Goodooga, you would think this was a good thing. But Saffron Howden's cynical take on this initiative is an insult to the hard work of those police and the goodwill of the local Aboriginal community (''Police guests get a taste of Bondi, and the spotlight'', March 20).
The kids have been exposed to a range of Sydney experiences over five days. The Herald was contacted because police took the view its readers would be interested in the program and its obvious benefits. Some TV stations became aware through posts on Facebook.
The visit was not paid for by police but by the local Lands Council. Our men and women were delighted to put the program together and give these children a unique and hopefully memorable experience. What a pity their efforts were cast in such an undeserving light.
Assistant Commissioner Geoff McKechnie Western region Commander
Cricket captaincy on top
I'm sorry Richard Hinds ("Leading questions: Watson not committed enough to take reins", March 20). I must protest. Your reference to "those who claim the Australian cricket captaincy is the second most important office in the land" is simply wrong. Second most important? Never. The most important, surely.
Les Tomlinson Berowra Heights
Bells ring for bicycling
Cars were once kings of the road but now I can confidently suggest that bicycles are taking over not only the roads but footpaths.
What happened to the regulations that require them to have bells and lights, and for bells to be used when riding on footpaths? And what happened to it being illegal for bicycles to use footpaths as roads? Yet large sums of money are being spent to provide paths for these pests.
Gloria Healey Condell Park
Turn Turnbull hype off
I've had enough of people going on about what a jolly good fellow Malcolm Turnbull is, and wouldn't it be great if he was the leader of the Coalition, blah blah. Well, I judge a man by the company he keeps as much as anything else, and this bloke wants to be a senior minister in an Abbott government.
On that score, Turnbull doesn't come across as being likeable at all.
Peter Cain Kingswood

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