Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On the road ... - Sydney Morning Herald

Self Is A Seed will perform in Canberra on April 11.

Self Is A Seed will perform in Canberra on April 11. Photo: Supplied

What are you listening to on the road? At the moment I'm slamming Mutemath. Also a bit of Northlane and Breaking Orbit's album.

What's your favourite instrument? Guitar by far but I love the sound of those hang drums! I'd love to get one of those in the studio.

What's your earliest musical moment? Apparently when I was four I'd run around the house frantically strumming a uke and singing You Give Love a Bad Name.

How do you prepare for a gig? I don't really have any rituals, just a few drinks and a bit of a warm-up. I love watching a good up-tempo punk band before we go on. That always gets the adrenalin going.

What's your favourite post-gig pastime? I like to wind down with a scotch but I was thinking that a bath would be an amazing way to come down. I'm gonna give that a go when I get a chance. I know, very un-rock'n'roll.

What's the greatest thing you have ever seen on stage? I went to see Pearl Jam at the entertainment centre when I was just a teenager. It was the bass player's birthday so they sat him down in the middle of the stage and started slamming cream pies in his face. While this was happening some guy was crowd surfing, Eddie pointed at him and from about 10 metres got him right in the face. That's how I remember it anyway.

What's your most treasured possession? I would have to say the things that I use to make music: my guitars, amps and recording equipment.

What's your best piece of touring advice? Alway try to borrow gear. It saves on petrol, space in the van and change.

Who are your musical heroes? Any Australian musician with an alternative sensibility.

What are your vices? Scotch, beer, music and chicken wraps.

What's on your dream rider? All of the above.

Who would you most like to tour with? I want to tour with Over-Reactor again. After the last show we ended up beat-boxing and freestyling in the streets of Newcastle. Funny guys and serious about what they do.

What was your musical epiphany? The Smashing Pumpkins album, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. This album had a pretty profound effect on me.

Is there any music that you don't listen to? No, I'll give anything a chance.

What's your latest recording? We have just released our debut album through MGM. It's called Siren and it's online and in store now.

Describe your sound? It's loud, guitar-driven rock music with a strong melodic vocal and a really solid rhythm section.

What's your favourite gig of all time? Hard to say. There's been some good ones but I think the Sidebar at the Cambridge in Newcastle had a great vibe about it when we were there last. Just a great energy and enthusiastic crowd.

What would be your dream touring destination? I'd love to tour Europe.

Tell us something about where you grew up and how it influenced your sound? There was something about the suburbs that made me want to turn my amp right up and drown out the drone of Groundhog Day.

What would you be doing if you weren't a musician? I was always a good drawer. If I never got my first guitar I would say that I'd be focusing on art. Either way I'm broke.

What is something we don't know about you? I enjoy dancing like a hillbilly when I'm drunk.

What does the future hold? Touring, writing, touring, recording and touring.

Anything else you want to tell us? Get to The Basement in Belconnen on the 11th of April. We're launching our debut album with local heavyweights Escape Syndome and Sydney band Teal.


Where: The Basement

When: April 11

Tickets: $12 from

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