Twilight zone: Julia Gillard does a live TV cross from Blacktown Olympic Park on Monday. Photo: Andrew Meares
The Prime Minister came to western Sydney to be among real people at the Rooty Hill RSL. She wanted to listen to them and in turn, to be heard by them.
So what better place to hold her first press conference of the visit than on a traffic island next to the M7 Motorway, where the heave and screech of passing freight trucks battled with the local cicada population to see which could make the bigger din.
The Prime Minister, travelling from Seven Hills to Eastern Creek in her Comcar, trailed a caravan of ministers, local MPs, political staffers, reporters, camera operators and boom mike operators, at least 90 per cent of whom were imported from the national capital.
The only real people within shouting distance were the poor folk in high visibility vests trying manfully to direct the cars disgorging out-of-towners.
They ended up waving the cavalcade through a gate to which a ''Beware snakes'' sign was affixed. No snakes were spotted, causing one wit to quip that perhaps they had been scared off by all the politicians and journalists.
The Prime Minister's announcement, which was pre-announced in a newspaper on Monday morning, was for an unspecified amount of money towards a roads project the state government has committed to building, but not in the form in which Gillard says it must be built if her funding is to be accessed.
The plan didn't sound very real, in the sense that it might one day result in an actual road.
The Prime Minister stood amid a bouquet of be-suited local members, who clasped their hands in front of their bodies as though they were paying last respects.
Given the rattling of the trucks and the insistent cicada song, there was no conceivable way they could have heard what she was saying, but still they nodded in gentle agreement.
Later, back at the Rooty Hill RSL, real people abounded in the pokies' lounge. Media types sat down to chicken schnitzel in the bistro. Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese was ensconced in the nearby Stardust Cafe. A few metres off, climate change denier and professional mad hatter Lord Monckton was lunching with a group. He had a speaking engagement in the area and, like the Prime Minister, was staying at the Novotel.
This, combined with the red swirled carpet, the mood lighting and the murmur of the poker machines, lent the whole scene a very surreal air indeed.

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