Wednesday, March 27, 2013

College to investigate magazine claims of sexual harassment - Sydney Morning Herald


In investigation: Sydney University's Wesley College. Photo: Edwina Pickles

Sydney University's Wesley College is investigating reports of inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment during Orientation Week, after two undercover magazine reporters snuck in to a number of on-campus parties posing as students.

The allegations, as reported by Cleo magazine, include excessive drinking, bullying and a series of ''hazing'' rituals that reduced some female students to tears.

State and federal ministers have labelled the reports ''shocking'' and ''totally unacceptable''.

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According to the investigation, first-year female students from the oldest co-ed college at the university were allegedly told to skol alcohol and sit on the ground, while their male peers stood on tables around them screaming insults. Older male ''mentors'' from various colleges are also said to have been ''sexually aggressive'' and to have pressured new female students to kiss male peers.

The details have emerged after two reporters snuck into O Week celebrations between February 25 and March 2.

The magazine's editor, Sharri Markson, said the reporters spoke with more than 30 male and female students but the incidents recounted by the unnamed students were obtained through formal interviews.

"Somebody spilt milk on the ground and they made another girl wipe it up with her shirt and roll around in it, and she was crying and they wouldn't let her get up,'' one student told Cleo.

''Another girl, dubbed 'Fresher Moist', was allegedly asked to pour orange juice over her chest and have a wet T-shirt at all times, while a student given the name 'Fresher Tequila' was allegedly asked to skol two shots of tequila before breakfast,'' the magazine reported on its website on Wednesday night.

At another of the college's parties, teenage female students were reportedly told to sit on the floor and called names like ''slut'' and ''skank'' by at least 30 male students standing on tables.

''He kept yelling, 'Get the f--- out,' standing on this table and yelling down to us,'' one female student told the magazine.

Last year, Fairfax Media reported more than 20 male students were suspended from St John's College after an O Week ritual left a female teenage student close to death in hospital.

Wesley College master Lisa Sutherland said she had nothing to add regarding the allegations beyond a statement she had provided to the magazine.

In the statement, she said the college was unaware of the alleged incidents until contacted by the magazine on Tuesday.

''The college is now investigating the alleged incidents as we take such claims seriously and have strict procedures in place to deal with any complaints brought to the college's attention.''

NSW Minister for Women Pru Goward told Cleo the reports were shocking and she awaited the outcomes of their investigation. Federal Minister for the Status of Women Julie Collins said the behaviour was ''totally unacceptable''.

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