Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Australian carbon tax policy crucial, Combet says - Sydney Morning Herald


Having a carbon price and policies to support it would be crucial for "our international reputation": Climate Change Minister Greg Combet. Photo: Arsineh Houspian

An Abbott government would risk Australia's international reputation and undermine its economic interests if it scrapped the carbon tax, Climate Change Minister Greg Combet told a joint climate forum with China.

Mr Combet told delegates, including China's National Development and Reform Commission vice-president Xie Zhenhua, that scrapping the tax would sever Australia's links with global moves to put a price on emissions.

Having a carbon price and policies to support it would enable Australia to participate in climate change negotiations set for 2015. It was crucial for ''our international reputation'', he said in Sydney.

Australia's carbon price of $23 per tonne of emissions is scheduled to convert to a floating price linked to Europe's emissions trading scheme in 2015.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has pledged scrap the carbon price if the Coalition wins office, replacing the policy with a ''direct action'' plan to pay polluters for reducing their emissions.

Mr Combet's comments came as modelling by research group RepuTex found abolishing the carbon tax would effectively halt investment in the renewable energy sector overnight without other changes to support the industry.

Opposition climate action spokesman Greg Hunt rejected the research as out-of-line with industry assessments. He said the Coalition supported the 20 per cent renewable energy target (RET).

''In particular, the finding contradicts claims by others in the industry that Australia is on track to easily achieve and potentially exceed the 20 per cent figure. As the industry makes clear, the RET drives renewable energy not the carbon tax,'' he said.

Mr Hunt also dismissed the claim that Australia's reputation would suffer if it dumped the carbon price. ''The US, Canada, Japan have all walked away from [emission trading] schemes,'' he said. ''Unfortunately, the government is desperate to pretend that other countries are imposing such massive increases in electricity prices on their citizens.''

Mr Combet also said the federal government had held talks with California, South Korea and China about linking emissions trading schemes.

China plans to launch pilot carbon markets in five cities and two provinces, with the first to start in Beijing next month.

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