Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Afghan children's deaths a tragedy: Smith - Sydney Morning Herald


The tragic deaths of two young Afghan boys shot after being mistaken for Taliban insurgents won't threaten the working relationship between NATO-led forces and Afghan authorities, Defence Minister Stephen Smith says.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai earlier this week condemned a helicopter strike, involving Australian soldiers, in which the brothers, both under seven years old, were shot dead.

The pair were apparently tending livestock and collecting firewood in the southern province of Oruzgan when they were killed on Thursday.

The civilian deaths drew abject apologies to the boys' families from the International Security Assistance's (ISAF) General Joseph Dunford and Australian Defence Force chief General David Hurley.

Mr Smith could give no new details of how the incident occurred, citing an ongoing investigation by Afghan authorities and International Security Assistance and ADF officials.

"It's a terrible tragedy, it's a terrible accident," he told reporters in Sydney on Tuesday.

Accounts of what happened vary. While some reports say the boys were mistakenly shot and killed by Australian soldiers, others suggest they were killed by fire from an ISAF helicopter.

Mr Smith said he understood President Karzai's "disappointment" at the deaths.

"I entirely understand Mr Karzai making these points in the strongest possible terms," he said.

"We feel for the Afghan people and the families concerned."

Uruzgan governor Amir Mohammad Akhundzada had blamed Australian soldiers for the incident but on Sunday his spokesman said it was unclear who was responsible.

"I don't think it will get in the way of what has been a very good relationship between Afghanistan authorities," Mr Smith said.

"There continues to be a very good working relationship."

A compensation payment will be made to the boys' family by either ISAF or the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

"That has occurred in the past and it will no doubt occur in these circumstances as well," Mr Smith said.

"That reflects the acceptance of responsibility and reflects the seriousness with which both ISAF and Australia take these matters."

Mr Smith said the ADF had strict rules of engagement to avoid civilian casualties.

"The reputation of the ADF is first class in the manner in which it seeks to avoid the involvement of civilians in combat operations," he said.

Civilian deaths caused by international forces have often triggered outrage in Afghanistan since the Taliban were ousted in 2001.

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