Sex and dementia: The intent was there but the will and memory needed to carry it out was lacking.
She'd been found on a bed, naked to the waist, with an old man. He was similarly undressed. The police had been called.
It was the call every parent dreads.
But in this case, it wasn't one of my children but my 75-year-old mother who suffers from advanced dementia. She lives full time in a nursing home north of Sydney.
She and a man I'll call Chris, to protect his family, were discovered sitting on his bed.
As is typical with bad news, I found out late in the night. I'd just turned my phone on after sobbing through The Secret River, and the sight of all missed calls from the nursing home made me sick with fear. All those feelings of guilt, so narcissistic in the circumstances, washed over me (why hadn't I visited the previous week?)
After relief that she was still alive, confusion and anguish set in. Was she hurt? Was this unwanted? Had she been the sexual predator? Was she OK? And what about the big issue of consent? How can someone who can barely remember what happened 10 minutes earlier agree to something that she might forget minutes later?
I was told my mother hadn't seemed upset or physically injured. Neither had Chris.
Nursing homes are required by law to report these sorts of incidents to the police. They must also call the appropriate doctor and file a report to the Department of Health and Ageing.
The doctor who examined Mum the next morning found no sign of assault or penetration.
The next night, Mum and her friend were at it again, sneaking into each other's rooms and holding hands in the dining room. The staff tried to distract them, and discourage them from seeking each other out.
When I asked Mum about Chris, the conversation went something like this:
''How are you Mum?''
''I hear you have a new friend.''
''What's his name?''
''I don't know.''
''Do you like him?''
''Yes,'' she said, her voice lifting.
Over the next days, I swung between some relief and happiness (she has a friend! - she won't be so lonely) and tears and fears for her vulnerability (what happens if he attacks her? How can she say no? What happens if she doesn't want this relationship?)
The home said the couple often searched each other out, sat together and held hands. Once my mother was sprung trying to undress in his bathroom.
It seemed the intent was there but the will and memory needed to carry it out was lacking. They wanted intimacy but forgot what they were doing (or were interrupted) before they got there.
When I visited the home to discuss how to handle their relationship, the registered nurse I spoke to said sex in nursing homes was a huge issue. As I talked to friends, similar stories were told, some with similarly benign results - others much more fraught.
When I asked a nurse who has been working with the people like Mum for many years, she said it was a problem without a solution.
Later that day, I met Chris. He'd been looking for mum.
''We're missing someone,'' he'd told the nurse, pointing at Mum's room.
When we sat at a table, he joined us. He wordlessly moved my glass of water, as you do when you fear a child will knock something over. (He was perceptive enough to see how clumsy I am. Could Mum have told him?)
When I said I was happy to meet him, and pleased Mum had a friend, he smiled. Then he started talking.
''I run so fast they can't catch me. They're after me. But I run and hide. Sometimes under something else.''
His face was caring, he smiled at Mum, patted her hand, but his words didn't make that much sense. His meaning appeared clear.
*The author has changed her name to protect her mother's privacy.

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