No go on Wilton .... Transport minister Anthony Albanese is expected to soon dismiss Wilton as a second airport option. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
A BADGERYS CREEK airport would have a severe noise impact on as few as 300 homes, according to an analysis of the 2011 census that shows little residential development under likely flight paths for a second Sydney airport.
With the federal government soon to release a report into a rival proposal for an airport at Wilton, the diplomatic and lobbying push to revive plans for a second airport in Sydney's far west is gathering pace.
But the push may be stalled until this year's federal election.
" Don't underestimate the potential opposition" ... former Liberal MP Kerry Bartlett. Photo: Brendan Esposito
At a forum in Parramatta on Friday, business groups, councillors, property developers and community and welfare groups spoke in favour of building an airport on 17,000 hectares of government-owned land at Badgerys Creek.
Bob Meyer, a former senior planning officer and director at architects Cox Richardson, presented analysis from the most recent census showing little extra noise impact from a Badgerys Creek airport since it was proposed in the 1980s. ''It dispels this myth that so much housing has been built under the flight path,'' Mr Meyer said.
Around a Badgerys airport 328 dwellings would sit within an ''Australian Noise Exposure Forecast'' above 25, on Mr Meyer's numbers. It is generally recommended people do not live in this contour. At the 20 ANEF contour around Badgerys, where it is recommended that homes be given noise insulation, there were 2913 dwellings.
The size of the noise problem near Badgerys is a fraction of that around Kingsford Smith Airport. There are almost 30,000 houses within a 25 ANEF contour around the existing airport, on Mr Meyer's numbers. There were more than 86,000 dwellings within a 20 ANEF contour around Kingsford Smith.
But for the moment, neither major political party supports an airport at Badgerys. This is despite a growing consensus one is needed and lack of a serious alternative.
The Transport Minister, Anthony Albanese, is soon to receive and release a report into an airport at Wilton, 35 kilometres south-west of Badgerys. That report is universally expected to dismiss the idea of a Wilton airport, which was recommended as the second option behind Badgerys in a major study for the federal and state governments last year.
''I can't believe I agreed to a final report that sort of said 'or Wilton','' a member of the steering committee of that study, Christopher Brown, told Friday's forum, which was organised by the Sydney Business Chamber.
''It was probably the greatest compromise we made,'' he said. ''There will be a second airport at Badgerys Creek. It will happen; it is only a debate about whether it happens 10 years earlier or later.''
Part of the reason a Badgerys airport might have a relatively light noise impact is much of the land to its north-west has been slated for industrial development - not residential - as part of the Western Sydney Employment Area.
''This is an amazing situation and it's to the credit of the state government and the Department of Planning that that whole area is reserved for employment,'' Mr Meyer said.
The Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils will reconsider its position on a Badgerys airport next week. The last time it took a position, in 1998, it opposed the airport.
''Don't underestimate the potential opposition,'' said the organisation's chief executive, the former Liberal MP Kerry Bartlett.
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