Sunday, January 20, 2013

A soupcon of romance - Sydney Morning Herald

Jemma Birrell, Artistic Director of the Sydney's Writers' Festival. Photographed at The Warf Theatre Bar, Walsh Bay on December 14, 2012. Spectrum photo: Marco Del Grande

"There's something fresh and new about what's happening [in Sydney]" ... Jemma Birrell wants to explore the ways people engage with the written word. Photo: Marco Del Grande

No matter how hard-nosed and practical the Sydney Writers' Festival board was in appointing Jemma Birrell as artistic director, there must have been a soupcon of romance in their choice. Bowral-born and Sydney-educated, Birrell spent the past seven years living in Paris and working for the legendary bookshop Shakespeare and Company. Even more endearingly, she was happy to give it all up for her new job.

''What a great opportunity!'' Birrell says, sitting on the deck of the Wharf Theatre at Walsh Bay, part of the harbourside venue for her festival. ''I can't believe the blue sky and the sun and walking to work along the harbour every day. I'm loving the food and the coffee and having a swim in the morning, the things I've always loved. And Australians - the way everyone is so warm.''

Birrell is enthusiastic, gregarious and good-humoured - essential qualities for running a festival, especially one as big as Sydney's, which brings together about 400 writers for 300 events.

Four months after taking over from Chip Rolley, the artistic director for three successful years, she says, ''I hit the ground running and it's been a whirlwind, meeting everyone and finding those exciting books coming out from publishers. I've been sending out invitations and it's going really well. How can they resist, frankly? It's stunning here and if they speak to any other writer who's been here, they'll say what a great time they had. It's a special festival.''

She gives no hints about the guest list in the making, which will be announced in April, but her conversation reveals her wide knowledge, passions and connections with the literary world. Her only regret about being in Sydney this month is missing the Canadian poet Anne Carson - ''one of my favourite poets'' - at Shakespeare and Company. The day we meet, she is filling her Bondi apartment with belongings shipped from Paris - a bed, a table, and ''thousands of books'', which include a first-edition of T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land, an early copy of Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer with uncut pages, and French books bought from the second-hand dealers along the Seine.

''I always knew I wanted to work in books and writing,'' Birrell, 36, says. For a while, she thought she might write, but organising events gives her ''a different kind of creative satisfaction'' and meeting interesting people is ''another kind of lightness in my life''. Having moved to Sydney at 12 with her mother and sister, she studied communications at the University of Technology and specialised in writing (''I wrote a novella I never did anything with'') and took cultural theory courses such as ''Desire and the Social'', with the Marquis de Sade as required reading. She worked part-time at Ariel bookshop until she won a scholarship to join the international advertising agency, FCB. ''But I missed working with books,'' she says.

A maternity-leave position at Allen & Unwin was the break that led to a permanent job working as assistant to publishers Annette Barlow and Sophie Cunningham - ''incredible mentors'' - and managing the Vogel Award. ''It was incredible to have a job where you sit and read manuscripts. It was the basis for everything I've done. I loved doing those reading reports - looking at a novel structurally, and what works and what doesn't.''

After a few years Birrell decided to return to France, where at 15 she had spent three months as an exchange student in Tours. ''After experiencing France it gave me a taste for the place, even the quality of the air and that misty winter and the chill. I wanted to understand the culture through the language and the differences.''

At the end of 2004 she arrived in Paris without a plan, found an apartment in Montmartre, and wandered around leaving her CV with bookshops. One of them was Shakespeare and Company, the Left Bank landmark established by American George Whitman in 1951 (its name honours Sylvia Beach's earlier Paris bookshop) and recently taken over by his daughter. Birrell was told there were no jobs, but a week later Sylvia Whitman called her in for an interview.

''I met her father, George, who was over 90 and was still very much a part of the shop,'' Birrell says. ''His question to me was, 'My daughter wants me to cut my hair: should I cut my hair?' I said, 'No, leave it long' - it was long and scraggly and lovely - so he loved me. He also loved me because I was from Sydney and he had a passion for Australia and the Manly ferry and fish and chips.''

Birrell scored a job. She became part of the eccentric institution, which for 60 years has sold new and antiquarian books, provided beds and workspaces among the shelves for travelling writers - known as ''tumbleweeds'' - who help in the shop, and acted as an Anglophone cultural centre. In the early days it was a hang-out for Henry Miller, Anais Nin, and the Beat writers William S. Burroughs, Gregory Corso and Allen Ginsberg, who read his poem Howl outside the shop. ''One element we wanted to change,'' Birrell says, ''was that Paris is famous for its past. We wanted to make the bookshop alive and current.''

She began organising weekly events in the shop with visiting writers, philosophers and musicians from around the world. There were Aleksandar Hemon, Chris Adrian and Jonathan Safran Foer, who gave his first reading from Eating Animals. Daniel Levin Becker spoke about the experimental Paris writers of the Oulipo collective. Jeanette Winterson stayed for tea and cake in George Whitman's third-floor apartment. The shop's reputation rose and more writers wanted to come.

Sylvia Whitman had held a small writers' festival in 2003 and, with Birrell, developed it into a biennial festival that ran in 2006, 2008 and 2010 with changing themes of travel, memoir and politics.

Talks were held in a marquee in the park near Notre Dame or in the Hotel de Ville. Paul Auster and Siri Hustvedt spoke to a crowd of 700. Charlotte Rampling gave a reading in French. Will Self interviewed his friend Martin Amis - ''one of the best events at the last festival because he could ask questions other people can't ask''.

TJ Dema, a Botswanan performance poet, was one of several African writers. Liberation newspaper sponsored the 2010 festival and attracted a larger French crowd, with translators and a French bookseller.

To search out interesting books, authors, issues and trends, Birrell consulted British, US and French publishers and editors, such as Ian Jack at Granta magazine.

''From all these people, you find out what they have read and loved,'' she says. ''That's partly the way you curate a festival, by gleaning knowledge from people you respect and then building something from that.''

She also kept a connection with Australian publishers and the Paris embassy, and presented visiting Australians, including the writers Nam Le, Steve Toltz, Alex Miller and Chris Womersley - and a tap dancer called Ruby, who performed in the snow.

''Paris is such a romantic place, but it is also dirty and dank [with] cigarettes everywhere, and I love that dirty aspect with the beauty,'' Birrell says.

She loved riding her bike to work, seeing people read books on the Metro, and mixing with old and young in cafes and bars where she could eat the best cheeses and rillettes. She fell in love ''many, many times'' and lived with a Frenchman for a while. ''I could have grown old in that little bookstore,'' she says.

But she also missed home and family, and last year a friend told her the Sydney Writers' Festival was advertising for an artistic director. She enjoyed her interview, and says the board asked ''great questions'' and ''liked my ideas and concepts''. She didn't hesitate to accept the job.

While literary Paris still lives in the past, she says, ''Sydney is so much more present and there's something fresh and new about what's happening … It's another cultural centre in the world for very different reasons.''

Birrell wants to build on the success of the festival, which grew enormously during her absence.

She sees its ''core'' as literary fiction and non-fiction, but also wants to develop new audiences and explore the different ways people engage with the written word, such as the festival club's late-night storytelling performances and digital publishing.

''My feeling is the two extremes are going to develop: books as beautiful objects are important, and also the digital and online is important for different reasons,'' she says. ''People love reading an iPad on a plane; but an old, rare edition that smells likes an old book, people will never grow tired of that.''

She has met people as diverse as the NSW Arts Minister, George Souris, and Amanda Hayward, the digital publisher of Fifty Shades of Grey. She's been reading the latest novels by J.M. Coetzee, Michelle de Kretser, and Courtney Collins, and has a huge pile beside her bed. ''I'm so greedy with books, I want to be reading all these books simultaneously, but I'm not superhuman.''

The scale of her new festival will challenge Birrell, but the principle is the same, she says.

''We come to festivals because we want to be part of those intimate conversations; we want to see people live, that's why we're in the room with them. There's something so special about that.''

The Sydney Writers' Festival runs May 20-26. Neil Gaiman will speak at a festival event at City Recital Hall on January 25. See

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