Friday, December 21, 2012

On the record as Rowe Street king - Brisbane Times

GEORGE COOKS 1922-2012

George Cooks in his record store, Rowe Street Records

In tune … man of music George Cooks at his Rowe Street Records, which attracted a loyal clientele with its well-stocked shelves. Photo: Steven Loxley

George Cooks was a notable figure in Sydney's cultural life. For more than three decades he ran music shops in Sydney (and Canberra) that were testaments to his impeccable tastes and encyclopaedic knowledge of classical music.

The fondly remembered Rowe Street, where Cooks set up his first shop, Rowe Street Records, in 1961, was where European migrants such as himself opened shops and galleries reminiscent of the world they had left behind. Rowe Street was between Pitt and Castlereagh streets, where the MLC Centre is now.

George Kuks was born on September 6, 1922, in Novi Sad in Serbia. He never knew his father and moved to Budapest to join his mother Margit (nee Lowinger), when he was eight.

George Cooks in his record store, Rowe Street Records

A notable figure in Sydney's cultural life. Photo: Steven Loxley

It was in the opera and concert halls of Budapest that his lifelong passion for classical music was born. An enduring memory was hearing cellist Pablo Casals as a child.

It made an impression. George took up the cello, but any ambitions he had were thwarted by the Nazi occupation, which led to him spending the latter part of World War II in a labour camp, and the Communist take-over of Hungary in 1948.

That year, he and Anna Roseth, who he married in 1947, went to Vienna, where they joined the queues of refugees waiting for a landing permit in faraway places. They arrived in Australia on Australia Day, 1950, Kuks found factory work and soon changed his name to Cooks.

George Cooks in his record store, Rowe Street Records

A quintessential old-world European gentleman. Photo: Steven Loxley

His knowledge of music landed him a job in the Music Lounge on George Street and later at J. Stanley Johnston in the Queen Victoria Building, whose classical music department he managed.

When he asked his bosses for a pay rise and they refused, he made good on his threat to leave, taking the shop's staff and clients with him to the tiny premises at 8 Rowe Street.

Surrounded by designers, artists and coffee shops, business boomed in the Bohemian enclave.

The loyal clientele ranged from students and artists to music buffs, from politicians to visiting musicians, who were often amazed to find shelves crammed with such a rich selection in a place so far away, as Australia certainly was then.

The pianist Vladimir Ashkenazy was a frequent visitor, dropping into the shop whenever he accompanied his son to Sydney for ongoing medical treatment. It was not uncommon for someone to come to the shop hoping to find a recording of a composition that they could not name. Invariably, they would get halfway through humming a melody or recounting where they heard the music before Cooks would present them with the record they sought. Early on, someone came in search of a piece they called ''I'm inclined to knock music'', to be handed a recording of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.

Cooks was the quintessential old-world European gentleman, a quiet, thoughtful and cultured man who hated confrontation and pretense and valued loyalty above all else. Several of his staff worked with him for decades. He remained very close to his friend Laszlo Wolf, who he met in labour camp, until Wolf's death in 2004. When Rowe Street and the Hotel Australia were demolished in the mid-1970s, the shop merged with his other shop in Pitt Street. With his second wife Vera Borsody, a librarian at the University of Sydney, who he married in 1975, Cooks would make annual trips to Europe, visiting music festivals in Salzburg and Bayreuth and the great opera houses.

After being headhunted by Sir Richard Branson to run the classical department of his Virgin Megastore in Sydney, Cooks retired at the end of 1994, by which time Branson, perhaps having seen the writing on the wall for music retailing, had sold the business to Blockbuster.

In 1988, he was presented with an ARIA Award for his 28 years of service to the music industry, and from EMI a Platinum Record for 38 years of service.

George Cooks is survived by Vera, children Sue and Andrew, grandchildren Ben and Michael, and step-grandchildren Daniel and Hannah.

Paul Kalina

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