Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Forget religion, holiday loadings are for working - Sydney Morning Herald



Joan Kunze (Letters, December 24) wonders whether atheists working on Christmas Day, a national public holiday, knock back the holiday loading. It's a public holiday for all, no matter what belief system one has and so if a worker has a holiday loading under their award, they will get it and should take it.

Maybe Joan can tell me why is it that for the vast majority of Christians the celebration of the holiest day is spent overindulging in food and alcohol and counting the cost of the wild consumerism that seems to be associated with remembering the birth of the person of rather modest needs on whom the belief is founded.

Barrington Salter Neutral Bay

Enough with the religious discrimination and inferences of moral privilege, Joan Kunze. Either everybody, or nobody, is worth a public-holiday loading on their pay. After all, doesn't everyone work for the holy dollar?

Helen Lewin Tumbi Umbi

No, Joan Kunze, as an atheist I wouldn't knock back penalty rates if I worked on Christmas Day. You see, I'm also a long-time unionist and so part of a group which has done at least as much as any religion to provide for holidays (yes, originally ''holy days'') and penalty rates.

I don't even care if non-unionists have a day off or receive penalty rates on Labour Day (originally, Eight-Hour Day in recognition of a union campaign for more leisure time).

Al Svirskis Mount Druitt

Joan Kunze trots out the old question on atheists and loadings for working on Christmas Day. I suppose someone had to do it.

I'm getting on now but for the whole of my life Christmas has been a secular celebration involving family and friends. Christians appropriated this ancient holiday as their own some time ago, but they no more own it than do the followers of Mithras or any of the other numerous and more ancient gods-become-men whose birth was celebrated around this time of year. We atheists have as much right to our enjoyment of the season as any of them and certainly as much right to penalty rates if we work over Christmas.

If Joan would like to think about the real meaning of Christmas, she would do well to listen to Tim Minchin's White Wine in the Sun. I certainly hope that she doesn't have a Christmas tree - something specifically prohibited in Jeremiah 10:2-4.

Fred Pilcher Kaleen (ACT)

Why Joan Kunze should think it meaningful whether atheists knock back the Christmas Day holiday loading is unfathomable, but she can be assured that on that holiday, as on any other, there will be countless atheists throughout the world working with neither pay nor loading to relieve others' distress.

And they will not be motivated by fear of punishment in some implausible next life but by an urge to live this life, the only one we know we will have, as well as possible.

Glen Coulton Marmong Point

Maybe Joan Kunze should be arguing that everyone, except those in such essential services as power stations and hospitals, should have every Sunday and declared public holiday as an actual day off.

As a largely non-believing family we celebrate the solstice, which is what ancient celebrations at this time of the year were until the Christians pinched them.

Doesn't Joan think an atheist paramedic is entitled to some recompense when he or she cannot be with his or her family on a holiday when everyone else is?

John Turner Carey Bay

Muslims are entitled to stick by their beliefs

It's a pity Lakemba mosque officials felt obliged, in the face of racial abuse, to back away from the ban on recognising Christmas and New Year's Eve (''Outrage over 'fatwa' forces mosque to pull down website post'', December 24).

Muslims have every right to be strict about avoiding involvement in festivities that run contrary to their faith. The Muslim New Year is at another time (so is the Christian one, actually - first Sunday in Advent) and even though they know Jesus is a prophet they don't accept that ''God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself'', which is what Christmas celebrates. All the critics of the ''fatwa'' believe that and live by it, don't they?

Comment about ''hate-talk'' and linking this piece of Islamism to violence is sheer drivel. All they were doing was urging their people to keep strictly to their own faith and not go dabbling in others.

Bruce Hanna Heathcote

I'm in Malaysia at the moment and I can assure you that Christmas decorations are everywhere, and the hotels and shopping malls have carols (all the time), Santa, snow, trees, wrapped boxes, Rudolph, sleighs full of toys and Merry Christmas written on the walls. No fatwa here!

Valerie Craig Orange

Can hardly wait for Christians to put their own fatwa on Christmas.

Tony Lewis Mount Victoria

Sorry Darling - we didn't win

Santa has come for someone and it's not the NSW taxpayer. Lend Lease will be paid $2.5 billion for spending $1 billion on the Darling Harbour revamp, according to my rough calculations (''The secret harbour: losing bidder's entertainment centre precinct design revealed'', December 24).

Ian Ferrier Paddington

I was starting to get a little worried my beloved Sydney was going to end up with something radical and world-beating with the redesign of Darling Harbour (''Greiner 'at peace' with Darling Harbour bid'', December 24).

But no, Nick ''Motorway'' Greiner reckons Barry O'Farrell and his cronies have picked the ''sensible middle ground'' and taken the comfortable long-socks-and-sandals approach to design so I can rest easy and have another glass of Porphyry Pearl, knowing all is well.

Bob Colman Blackheath

Wiggle giggle

Farewell, Wiggles, and thank you for the happiness that you have brought to our family (''Wiggles finale upsetting only for the big kids'', December 24).

My only regret: when we first saw and met them as a little-known band at the Powerhouse Museum in 1991, I should have insisted that I become the fifth Wiggle.

Steve Baker Engadine

Mind how you joke

The revelation that the late Jacintha Saldanha suffered periods of depressive illness does not lessen the culpability of the two pranksters and the radio station which permitted their ill-conceived impersonation of the monarch and her heir (''Nurse suffered depression'', December 24).

This information now made public adds to the incalculable misery being experienced by the Saldanha family and perhaps strengthens the case against the radio station. For those who earn their living making jokes at the expense of others, it is an advisory instance of the unpredictable consequences of doing so.

Olive Lawson Wollstonecraft

Not gall centres

What an arrogant piece of snobbery from Michael Morton-Evans on the efforts of call centre staff in ''Third World countries'' to assist him with his inquiries (''Why call centres get my goat'', December 24).

I've managed national call centres in Australia and worked in ''Third World countries'' where in the latter youngsters with much higher qualifications and keenness to please work hard to understand the problems of their customers, whatever part of the world they complain from.

Massive turnover in Australian call centres never enabled us to provide the sort of service Morton-Evans seems to imagine once existed. And was pre-call centre service really so faultless?

Try engaging a little with your ''Third World'' assistant - ask how the weather is in Mumbai or Manila, wish them a Happy Diwali or Merry Christmas, you will find another human being, delighted to participate in a little human interaction, and one who is working hard to drag themselves out of the unimaginable poverty within which they are mired - except when they are given a chance to work, even if it is only in a ''Third World'' call centre that ''gets your goat''.

Peter Skinner Beecroft

Memory fails Abbott again

Tony Abbott continues to attack the Prime Minister's judgment when he says that ''the only real issue when it comes to Peter Slipper is why did the Prime Minister ever think he was a fit and proper person to put in that job'' (''Abbott dismisses conspiracy claim'', December 24).

Long after rumours were circulating about Slipper but before he became political poison, Abbott thought enough of his character to accept an invitation to attend his wedding.

Abbott demanded the Prime Minister hold a judicial inquiry about the AWU scandal but dismisses calls for an AFP investigation into whether there may have been a political conspiracy to topple the elected government as a ''try on'' and recklessly pre-judges any outcomes by declaring categorically that ''there has been no conspiracy here''.

Is it too much to ask for Abbott to make a New Year's resolution to be less of an outrageous hypocrite?

Glen op den Brouw Liverpool

I must remind Tom O'Reilly that there is not just one Bishop, but two, in the opposition led by an Abbott (Letters, December 24).

We Anglican evangelicals don't normally approve of women bishops, but some of us make a special exception for Bronwyn and Julie, two very impressive Bishops in public life. They are an excellent foil to any woman in the house who might like to rail at an imagined misogyny.

David Morrison Springwood

Charity copycats do meet a need

Despite the seemingly ''uncharitable'' nature of the clothing distribution for-profit network there is a great need for second-hand clothing in Papua New Guinea and other developing countries ("Charity copycats cash in on donors", December 24).

Profit-making groups are able to transport and distribute the goods to areas that are difficult or expensive for charities to reach.

In the highlands of PNG, where roads are almost impassable and frequently made dangerous by raskol gangs and where often official corruption is rife, it is hard and expensive for non-profit organisations to provide services.

However, due to the demand for second-hand clothing, large storefront warehouses in the highlands are always crowded and further on-selling in the marketplace is common. This assists the economy and the needs of the local community.

Of particular interest to the locals are Australian rugby league jerseys and T-shirts of all clubs, which have become fashionable items in the PNG highlands.

Marketing in Australia for second-hand distribution to developing countries may need clarification and further registration to ensure the clothing donors know what sort of organisation they are dealing with, but let us not forget the ''for-profit'' clothing distribution groups are providing a service and meeting the needs of deserving locals, too. It's good for everyone as long as prices remain low.

Janice Creenaune Austinmer

Danger in rotating crocks of cricket

If it is so important for uninjured players like Mitchell Starc to be ''rotated'' out of the Australian cricket team in case they have an injury, why is it not equally important to rotate out Michael Clarke, a man with an obviously serious injury who cannot use a runner if he relapses and cannot bat properly (''Bird to debut, rested Starc 'absolutely shattered''', smh. com.au, December 25)?

Starc has taken 14 wickets in his last two Tests and is just beginning to get it right.

Imagine if we had rotated Clarke out of the Sydney Test in which he scored 329 ''in case'' he had injured himself.

This is what happens when you put rugby players in charge of cricket teams.

Wayne Cooper Lindfield

Congratulations to fast bowler Jackson Bird on his Test selection. I must warn him, however, not to take too many wickets. Otherwise he will be wrapped in cotton wool and will miss selection in the next Test.

Bernie Bourke Ourimbah

All cringe as Packer does vision thing

So far we know that James Packer's contribution to the ''renaissance'' of Sydney seems to mean parking a big boat in the harbour and building a hotel which can only be viable if it has gambling facilities for rich foreigners (''My Sydney: James Packer'', December 24).

I hope he gives us some warning about what else ''I want to play my part'' implies.

Judy Sherrington Kensington

The trouble with giving James Packer a ''My Sydney'' column is that it will further encourage him in the view that it is his. Sydney, that is.

David Baird Burradoo

Noisy garbologists

In the 1950s and 1960s my late father always used to leave six large bottles of beer out for the garbos (Letters, December 24). He regarded it as insurance to stop them banging the metal lids against the metal garbage cans at 3am when the garbage was collected.

Now we have plastic bins and garbage is collected before bedtime, the garbos must be having a much less merry Christmas.

Tom Kelly Balmain

Missing cicadas are in my tree

Geoff Eagar (Letters, December 24), by the sound of it every cicada in Australia is in the lilly-pilly tree out the front of my suburban Melbourne home. And the cat thinks it has a mouthful of razorblades.

Michael Slocum Ascot Vale (Vic)

I have just four words for Geoff Eagar, who is complaining about no cicadas on the central coast: come to Port Macquarie.

Jill Chambers Port Macquarie

I wonder if the missing cicadas are all flying over Sydney beaches looking for the ''large number of sharks'' which are usually reported ''swimming close to shore'' by ''professional fisherman'' at this time of year. They, too, seem to be strangely absent.

Ian Morris Strathfield

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