Backpackers on Sydney
A group of backpackers share their thoughts on Sydney.
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THERE are no fat people in Sydney. Our public transport is reliable, comfortable and well-ordered. Sydney's nightlife rivals any modern city's, devoid of violence and excessive drinking, and the green space is enviable.

Ferne Hardstone (left), Ellen Murphy and Carson Ruf at Bondi. Photo: James Brickwood
That, at any rate, is what Sydney looks like through the eyes of British backpacker Ferne Hardstone and her pals: clean, green and endlessly exciting. And it doesn't stop there.
As they overlook the harbour from Mrs Macquaries Chair, Hardstone and her travel partner Ellen Murphy, 24, gush to fellow travellers from Canada, Carson Fleming, 24, and Carson Ruf, 21.
There's praise from both parties that one might expect: the harbour is beautiful, the weather is great and the Opera House spectacular. But there's the unexpected appreciation of wide streets, worthy of a snapshot. And the footpaths, too.

Living the high life on the Skywalk at Sydney Tower. Photo: James Brickwood
Even Sydney's seagulls, apparently, are more hygienic than their trans-Pacific counterparts. ''We call them shit hawks back home,'' Fleming later shares at the fish markets. ''They're just so grey and dirty.''
Almost half a million backpackers visit NSW each year and on any given day they can be found harvesting vitamin D at Hyde Park or Darling Harbour, and - so it would seem - generally having more joy in one day in Sydney than the locals seem to get in one year.
So in pursuit of experiencing our city through a fresh pair of eyes - and learning how to spend a fraction less in doing so - the Herald decided to tag along with a group of backpackers and take a full-day tour of our own doorstep, from the harbour fringes to high above the city, from ''groovy'' Darling Harbour to Bondi Beach and out into Sydney's nightlife.
Having begun the day at 9am at Mrs Macquaries Chair, they set off through the Royal Botanic Gardens on the way to the Opera House. As Hardstone wonders at the vast parkland nestled within a bustling city, Fleming appears slightly distressed by the talk of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb.
''The thing that scared me most about it was the price,'' he says.
At $250 or more a pop, it's twice their daily budget.
But they agree it would be worth walking across the footbridge. Or, for $11, taking a trip up the lesser-known Pylon Lookout.
Murphy learnt the hard way how to see the harbour foreshore cost-effectively.
''I did one of those harbour cruises [$50]. Then I went on the Manly ferry [$14] and it went exactly the same way,'' she says. The free city shuttle bus - No.555 - is another way they conserve their pennies. Although, the way they talk about Sydney's transport suggests they probably wouldn't mind paying for it.
''There's trains, there's buses, there's ferries, there's water taxis, you name it,'' Fleming says.
Oh, and don't forget that sky-train thing.
''You've even got double-decker trains here. It's really cool,'' Hardstone says.
It's Friday and, heading through the weekly Foodies Market at The Rocks, conversation turns to cuisine. ''I've noticed eating out is a really big thing here,'' Murphy says.
And while the British girls are keen on the food scene, they struggle to look past what they consider inadequate sausages. ''They just look so plasticky and gross,'' Hardstone says.
Later, sitting at the Glenmore Hotel's rooftop bar, Hardstone reveals she is also unimpressed by Australian beer. While only scraping legal age, she speaks with some clout as part-owner of her family's pub in Surrey.
After a brief, presumably substandard, beer, they head for Sydney Tower. Stepping on to the skywalk platform 260 metres from the ground, Hardstone reconsiders her earlier remark about the city's modest size.
''Oh yeah, so it is kind of big,'' she concedes. Up the tower, the group admires the coastline.
But, when they arrive at the Sydney Fish Market at Pyrmont half an hour later, they seem surprised to learn of Sydney's reputation for quality seafood.
''I guess it kind of makes sense, though,'' Hardstone says. ''I mean, [Australia] is a giant island.''
Almost any ocean creature smaller than a whale can be found on ice at the largest market of its kind in the southern hemisphere. For $32, a seafood platter for two offers octopus, calamari, oysters, prawns, scallops and fish. It's enough to feed three or four.
Murphy has never eaten oysters nor octopus. And she is decidedly distressed when Fleming tempts her with an oyster. ''Who knows? You could love it,'' he says.
''Or I could throw up,'' Murphy says.
She doesn't throw up. But she does run to the bin to spit it out.
The fish market is a short, convenient walk from Darling Harbour. Though it is a locale whose charm seems largely lost on locals - it's often dismissed as lifeless or tacky - Darling Harbour is probably the most popular ''chill-out'' spot for backpackers.
It boasts everything they need - grass to rest on and, of course, free wi-fi.
After a brief kip, it's time for the backpackers to flock towards their spiritual mecca, Bondi Beach.
On the way, Hardstone says Australia strikes her as quite a strict country - ''put your feet on the seat on the train and you get fined. Drink on the beach, fined. Drink on the street, fined.''
But, no less than an hour later, the group is drinking take-away beers by the beach.
There are so many backpackers around the south Bondi hostels, the nearby ocean rip has been dubbed the ''backpackers express'' by locals. But if that wasn't enough to deter them from the water, a local at North Bondi RSL tries his best over dinner.
''Right now there's heaps of sharks out there,'' he says with just a hint of humour. ''Now's the time they start feeding.''
Then he moves on to bluebottles. Then crocs - ''I'm shit-scared of those buggers. Don't let me near those freaks.'' Then snakes and spiders - ''funnel-webs hide in pools.'' And then box jellyfish - ''they sting you and half an hour later you're dead.''
''Google it all,'' he challenges, before adding, ''But in saying that, you're sweet, ay.''
For a cheap feed and a $5.50 schooner at sunset, the North Bondi RSL balcony seems unimproveable.
But the backpackers don't stay long once the sun sinks, not with an unfinished six-pack under the table waiting to be drunk back at their hostel.
Having come from a town of 400 with one club at the closest town called ''Caddyshack'', Ruf is supremely impressed by the city's nightlife. Although it was perhaps not the night economy Clover Moore envisions that inspired him. ''Party bus, wet T-shirt contest, coyote dancing, crab racing,'' he says.
They decide to stretch their wings beyond the usual backpacker haunts - Scubar, Side Bar and the World Bar - and try The Abercrombie at Broadway, a local favourite on Friday nights.
Hardstone says she is surprised there isn't more of a binge-drinking culture.
''I haven't seen one single fight yet at all,'' she says.
Although, when questioned about the cut on her knee, she reluctantly tells the story of having fallen off the roof of a car while drunk.
''I realised a day later I was missing a tooth. We went looking for the tooth the next day but couldn't find it,'' she says.
Reflecting on the city at day's end, it isn't just the sites with which the group was taken.
''Australians are just really friendly,'' Hardstone says. ''Not like England.''
Although, Murphy adds, ''it's surprising how few Australians there are in Sydney. Most people we meet are backpackers.''

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