"Hug our children a little tighter and ... tell them that we love them" ... US President Barack Obama during the Sandy Hook memorial service. Photo: AFP
Barack Obama could not have been more solemn and sincere, as he spoke after the school massacre in Connecticut, in which a deranged young man gunned down 20 children and six teachers. It was the fifth incident of mass gun violence in his presidency. ''Each time I learn the news, I react not as a president, but as anybody else would, as a parent,'' he said.
He enjoined Americans to do as he would, and ''hug our children a little tighter and … tell them that we love them''.
Nothing suggests it was anything but genuine. Yet it risked being empty. Obama's reaction should not have been as a parent but as a president, because no other parent has the power that he has to do something broad and lasting about gun violence.
All parents can grieve for the victims. So, too, can those who are not parents. But few parents can legislate to reduce the chance of future massacres. In the hours after the massacre, Obama's people put out the line that he did not think this was the right time for politics on gun control. But if this was not the right time, when is?
More pointedly, his initial response illustrates a tendency among many politicians to substitute empathy for action.
Whether it's in a profoundly tragic case, such as the Connecticut massacre, or more mundane matters, such as being caught in a Sydney traffic jam, politicians are quick to empathise. They have embraced Bill Clinton's injunction to ''feel your pain''.
Perhaps, because politicians have given away so much authority to unelected experts and commissions, all they have left are expressions of their ''oneness'' with the suffering public. Perhaps, because politicians have succumbed to the political and economic fashion of the past 30 years, and relinquished democratic decision-making to the forces of globalisation, ''feeling'' - although rarely sharing - our pain is all they can offer.
But as the US opinion polls showed, empathy worked for Obama in this year's election only because he promised policies to match his rhetoric: healthcare for the uninsured, higher taxes on the wealthy, tax relief for the middle class.
The other problem with empathy, is that you inevitably exclude some people from what's supposed to be the great healing moment. Was Obama only talking to those with children when he said ''there's not a parent in America who doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief that I do''? There is something mildly offensive in the (unintended) implication that only those with children can truly feel solidarity and grief with parents at such a time.
Last year, a New York Times/CBS poll found distrust of government and politics was ''at its highest ever level''. An Essential Media poll found a similar trajectory in Australia. In response, politicians are tempted to become more ''personal'', more revealing of their inner lives. It rarely works because, without a commitment to action, it can be little more than exploitation.
There's an instructive episode in that modern study of political science, The West Wing, in which President Josiah Bartlett, a sincerely spiritual man, wants to stay behind in a town flattened by a hurricane to lead the public mourning and begin the healing. ''I'm needed here,'' he insists. In reality, he is taking up much needed motel rooms and diverting emergency resources. As his staff tell him, he needs to stop empathising and resume governing. A modern day parable, don't you think?
NOTE: The headline on my last column mistakenly suggested that we should ''forget'' about the sexual scandals of the churches. That did not reflect the content of the column. We should never forget the scandals or the victims.
Andrew West is the presenter of The Religion & Ethics Report on ABC Radio National.

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