FAR too many people are choosing between rent or gifts, electricity bills or food, a version of Christmas far from the preparations that consume so much energy, according to Victorian Uniting Church head Isabel Thomas Dobson.
''How does that version of Christmas fit with the experience of asylum seekers incarcerated in a tent city in Nauru?'' Ms Thomas Dobson asked.
She attacked the political response to refugees in her Christmas message: ''It is distressing to witness political responses driven by fear instead of humanity and compassion.''
Refugees and relationships were powerful themes for Australian church leaders in Christmas messages, but Craig Brown, federal co-ordinator of the Churches of Christ, was the only leader to tackle abuse directly.
''The church is never more human than when its failings are put into the spotlight. This Christmas we remember the Christ child and also those children and youth who have been sexually abused. It is a juxtaposition that many of us will not feel comfortable about.
''The Christ who we identify with is vulnerable, fragile, fleeing hostile powers: a refugee. Yet, too often the church has wielded power badly. There is hope for the church, however, if it renounces power plays and seeks to be vulnerable through righting the wrongs of the past.''
Sydney Anglican Archbishop Peter Jensen said the relationship stresses common at Christmas could be an opportunity. ''Because of what God has done, Christmas is a great time to fix up the feuds and quarrels and hatreds that divide us,'' he said.
Melbourne Anglican Archbishop Philip Freier said people could reconnect with a child's joy and wonder of Christmas. ''We can glimpse something of this joy this Christmas, by giving to others …and by celebrating and giving thanks for all the simple joys of our humanity - particularly our friendships and family relationships,'' he said.
Australia's Anglican leader, Brisbane Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, said Christmas was the time for new imagination. ''It is easy to lose heart … It seems society has become habitually cynical and mistrustful, our public discourse thin and impoverished … We are thirsting for a new spirit,'' he said.
Melbourne Catholic Archbishop Denis Hart said his prayer was that people would see beyond their challenges ''to the joy and hope that we are called to bring to others because God has come, the light of the world''.
Lutheran Church president Mike Semmler said many people never thought deeply about spiritual issues until confronted with lives hanging in the balance. ''We realise we have never really faced what comes next. Christmas begins the great news that a child is born into time to give his life and to break open death so it no longer has the final word,'' he said.

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