Illustration: John Shakespeare
From all the letters to the editor over the past few days I conclude that each side is basically saying ''if the other side stopped firing then peace would prevail''. Unfortunately, I'm fairly certain that pointing out the lack of logic in this in a newspaper in Australia won't do a thing to help the people whose lives are being destroyed daily on both sides.
I feel saddened by my powerlessness and all I can do is shake my head at all participants in this stupid war, which is accomplishing nothing but killing the next generation or turning its members into soldiers for the cause.
Barbara Whillock Lake Albert
Drawing an analogy between the systematic and deliberate genocide of millions of children in the Holocaust and current events in Gaza is abhorrent (Letters, November 20). It is either a result of ignorance or intended distortion; both are inexcusable.
Israel takes every possible precaution to avoid loss of innocent lives. Civilians living above arms deposits are alerted and told to evacuate. Many do, hence the low numbers of casualties in such a densely populated area. Others choose not to and others are prevented from doing so by Hamas. Children are held captive by Hamas.
No, Anne Frank would not have sympathised with the leaders that kill them.
Ruth Harvey Dover Heights
Gerard Henderson may well be right: a Palestinian state will not be ''achieved while terrorist organisations attack Israel with rockets aimed at the civilian population'' (''Hamas will never achieve a Palestinian state while killing Israeli civilians'', November 20). But it worked for the Israelis, didn't it?
Zionist terrorists (the Stern Gang, Irgun and others) killed Palestinian civilians, as well as British soldiers and United Nations peacekeepers, to achieve a Jewish state.
Hamas, unfortunately, has not turned the other cheek, but is continuing the millennia-old eye-for-an-eye traditions of the ''Holy Land'' which can only lead to more pain for all concerned.
Michael McGrath Manly Vale
Why do so many letter writers race to their keyboard when Palestinian blood flows? Where is their heartfelt concern for the tens of thousands of Syrians massacred and still being massacred just a few miles away? Where are their letters then?
Is it really concern for the victims that moves them, or hatred for the perpetrators?
David Tester Woollahra
Since the increase of hostilities between Israel and Hamas it has come out that the two sides had been close to successfully negotiating a protocol to prevent exactly this sort of scenario happening; both sides were close to agreeing to not leap to attack the other at the slightest provocation.
And the senior Hamas commander whose assassination by Israel has led to escalated attacks on it, well, he was the person doing the negotiating for Hamas.
This is Israel's idea of ''negotiating peace'': a missile. It doesn't want to negotiate because that would require making concessions. It doesn't want peace because it knows it has vastly superior American weapons, and America standing behind it whenever it uses them.
Gordon Drennan Burton (SA)
''No country on earth would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders,'' says President Obama in comments on Israel's disproportional response to Gazan rocket attacks, conveniently ignoring his own drone program that has brought death to civilians in at least five countries.
Tim Morris Tweed Heads South
Mr Evan Guttman (Letters, November 20) and other champions of Israel point out that if Hamas et al would cease rocketing Israel then peace would prevail. Would it?
There have been no rockets fired at Israel from the West Bank, and Palestinian co-operation with Israeli security forces has been exemplary - as admitted by Israel.
Yet Israel has announced more settlements and its settlers boast of imposing ''price tags'' by attacking innocent Palestinians. Perhaps they could explain how this amounts to a genuine desire for a two-state solution.
Simon O'Brien London
Tram vote carries no weight
Do we accept 700 people "packing" the Town Hall, showing cards, represents Sydney's population ("Town Hall meeting shows light rail is people's choice for George Street'', November 20)? The "people" were clearly a group of vested interests, with the narrow perspective of retail commerce in the CBD.
A tram would be a highly expensive, limited service and merely a ground-based reincarnation of the monorail but occupying more public street space. A bus tunnel would free up above-ground space for real people, and would carry more passengers than any tram service.
To catch a tram, patrons still have to get to the CBD and change modes, whereas a bus transit can be continuous and seamless from outside the CBD.
The outcome of the meeting is in no way an argument for a sustainable transport system for Sydney - the proposed trams would still use fossil-fuelled electricity. This is simply the tram lobby at its most vocal.
John Ward Bangor
Just fix it - the Catholic Church should be suable
The revelation that a Court of Appeal hearing found in 2007 that the Catholic Church can't be sued for compensation matters on legal technical grounds is stunning (''Victims to be able to sue church'', November 20).
That this loophole has not been plugged in more than five years is appalling and a denial of justice. It is, after all, a simple and quick issue for a parliamentary draftsman to fix.
Can we get on with removing this protection post haste - and while we're at it please check the other churches are not protected by this archaic exemption? If so, plug that loophole too.
This brings to mind the movie The Man Who Sued God, but this is no comedy.
Don Wormald Turramurra
It took decades for society to recognise the level of care for the disabled should not be dependent on whether or who one could sue. Now we are considering facilitating a similar lottery via litigation for sexual abuse by clergy.
There is not a bottomless pit of money and it must be remembered that many of the Catholic clergy worked tirelessly for no pay, to help the poor, the sick, Pacific Islanders, indigenous settlements and to educate rich and poor.
Would it not be more beneficial to use money that would go to individuals to help all victims? A state-run mental health unit or series of units sponsored by all churches may help all those abused instead of the few.
Sarah Childs Lithgow
Please let's not legislate to allow victims of Catholic Church child abuse to sue for compensation payouts. Billions will be siphoned off by parasitic lawyers; fraudsters will get around the necessarily low standard of proof and ''repressed memory'' syndrome will no doubt make a comeback - all serving to ratchet up the modern Australian sense of entitlement to a lump sum.
Toby Prentice Concord West
Hallelujah! The child sexual abuse royal commission secretariat proposes to bring the Catholic Church into line with everybody else and make it legally liable for damage its priests and teachers inflict on others. It has to happen. Nobody should be above the law. This loophole needs fixing immediately, and with retrospective effect.
Di Thian Kensington
Father Leo Donnelly (Letters, November 20) was going so well until his last paragraph, in which he expressed great confidence that ''there is no Catholic priest in ministry in Australia who is an active paedophile''.
We need to be able to leave out the word ''active'', Father Donnelly, to have any confidence. Any ''former'' paedophile should not be allowed anywhere near the Catholic priestly ministry. Apart from the obvious risk to children, there is the prayer: ''Lead us not into temptation''. Would you place an alcoholic in charge of the bar because he is currently not drinking?
Peter Leonard Kingscliff
Headed for a wreck
One cannot but feel sympathy for the clearly distressed RailCorp employee depicted on your front page (''At a stretch … she'll get you there on time'', November 20). This is an employee being placed in an impossible situation to implement a ridiculous solution to a capacity problem.
Regrettably, this is what occurs when accountants usurp engineers and view the travelling public as the compressible component of an equation in contrast to the rigidity of rail and timetable. Fear not, with the event of the first injury or death, the compensation payment will alter the balance of the equation and the suits, who unleashed this chaos, will retreat to their back offices.
Mike Clifford Blaxland
The stark contrast between the career aspirations of Australian children versus those in the developing world is a depressing reflection of their perceptions of the real world through their lived experience (''What do you want to do when you grow up, sport?'', November 20). How ironic that children in our affluent, developed society would take a relatively premium education for granted and squander it through unrealistic, narcissistic and unlikely career goals such as ''becoming a professional athlete'', or ''entertainer'', but children in the developing world, with significantly lower odds of receiving even a basic education, aspire to serve humanity as ''health care professionals''or ''teachers'', of which their communities are likely to also be relatively undersupplied. In summary: self service versus human service. Clever country indeed.
Robyn Dalziell Castle Hill
Make it public
I can only agree with Peter Timmins's suggestion to place MPs' registers of disclosures onto the internet for free public perusal in place of the present archaic systems (Letters, November 19).
I would also suggest that all public contracts (including all conditions) should be viewable on the internet before being signed. The annoying thing about so-called public-private partnerships is that the partnership is kept private from the public under the dubious justification of ''commercial-in-confidence''. A partnership in which one partner (the one paying the bill) is kept in the dark is no partnership. The O'Farrell government's dealings with Mr Packer over the Barangaroo casino (sorry, hotel) don't give too much confidence, though.
Murray Howlett Regents Park
Leaders we prefer
What a pleasure it was to view Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull on Q&A, exhibiting intelligence, civility, humour and what most Australians would consider normal behaviour (''Turnbull plays up his frontbench role in TV joust with Rudd'', smh.com.au, November 20). What a change from the unacceptable conduct consistently displayed by Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott and many others.
Like most Australians, I believe Rudd and Turnbull should lead their respective parties. Why don't the politicians get it? I am a baby boomer and the next election will be the first time in my voting life when I do not want to vote for either party because of the current leadership. What a poor example they set our young folk.
Susan Thomson Lismore
Having watched Ruddbull on Q&A last night I was disappointed that Heather Ridout was not included in the poll for preferred political leader.
John Tuckfield Abbotsford
Drug law enforcement too costly
Recreational use of marijuana has been implemented in Washington and Colorado as a result of referendums of the people (Stay in touch, November 13). Supporters suggest marijuana will provide another revenue stream to budget-strapped state governments and diminish the cost of non-violent drug offences on the expensive US jail system.
Many hope that lawful use will diminish the violence associated with criminal trafficking, as did the end of prohibition. The NSW Liberal government says it has to balance the budget and it is cutting funding to important things such as healthcare, school and vocational education and public transport.
Why not consider cutting the amount outlayed on police, lawyers, courts and jails because we criminalise smoking marijuana? So much gets spent harassing the young and Aboriginal people about marijuana use while our children's access to decent healthcare and education is at risk. It doesn't make sense to me and I wonder if others think the same.
I would rather change the drug laws to save money than sack train safety inspectors, teachers, TAFE teachers, doctors and emergency workers. I would like the NSW government to prioritise people first by changing these harmful laws and then it might be able to find the money it needs.
Beth Shelley Booerie Creek
Taxing gambling profits is win-win
I agree with Lindsay Somerville (Letters, November 20) about revenue projections for the second casino. A yield of $114 million from a casino for overseas "high rollers" seems suspiciously meagre (''Second casino 'bad deal for state coffers''', November 19).
Furthermore, isn't it time for a review of tax policies on all gambling winnings? In the US any winnings over a certain amount are taxed before payout. Here in Australia lotteries seem to offer increasingly bigger jackpots more often, such as the recent OzLotto $100 million. How many winners would object to being so taxed, especially if that tax were designated for health, education or, say, the national disability insurance scheme?
And who knows? It might even help with gambling problems, just as the suggestion that increased alcohol prices might affect alcohol abuse.
Rebecca Wright Potts Point
Rundown rugby
David Nucifora reportedly headed the ARU's contract negotiation team which offered Quade Cooper an incentive-based contract and as a result Cooper has quit rugby union (''ARU opens door for Cooper to walk'', November 20).
Nucifora can now add this latest mishap to his CV, which includes the Brumbies players walking out on him, a disastrous tenure at the Auckland Blues and an abysmal 2012 Junior World Cup for Australia.
It is no surprise that Australian rugby is in such a dire situation. We have a coach who has destroyed our running game and inept administrators who, it would appear, are intent on driving any talented players to rival codes including, in the case of Cooper, boxing.
Deborah Pelser Killara
One more inquiry
NSW Police must be a claustrophobic place to work if you're honest or don't adhere to the police culture.
Chief Inspector Peter Fox has been ridiculed and victimised for speaking out on a number of issues (''Whistleblower polarised police after testifying against officer'', November 20).
Threats made to him from within the police force are a disgrace and send a clear message to politicians that we should also be holding a royal commission into the multitude of problems - Tasers, deaths in custody, integrity - within NSW Police. Don't hold your breath.
David Goldstein Balgowlah
'Tis the season
If Australian retailers are looking for a reason why so many of us are shopping online they need go no further than Jingle [expletive deleted] Bells, which is running on continuous loop in stores and shopping centres (''Shop till they drop: online boom forces stores to cut prices'', November 20).
True, it makes a change from the normal fare of female singers sounding as if a pineapple is being pushed up their nose, but between Jingle [expletive deleted] Bells and [expletive deleted] Santa Claus is Coming to Town, the peace and quiet of internet shopping is hard to resist.
Michael Robinson Cammeray

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